Chapter 38

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🎇🪔Happy Diwali guysss🙏🏻😊

Kindly ignore grammatical mistakes & typos 🙏🏻


Shaurya arrived home at 10 exhausted from the day's endeavors. He found that Aastha had diligently taken care of all the remaining household chores.

Throughout this time, Anokhi persistently insisted on helping Aastha.

Yet, Aastha, with the utmost respect and concern, gently declined her offer, firmly believing that her well-being should take precedence. She believed that Anokhi, still recovering, needed ample rest.

Later, Shaan returned home.  Kanchan informed Aastha that they would be visiting Anokhi the following day.

Everyone sat together at the dining table. Aastha had prepared a hearty dal-rice meal for everyone except for Anokhi, for whom she had prepared a comforting khichdi. The aroma of the food enveloped the room as they indulged in their dinner, savoring every bite.

After the satisfying meal, everyone retreated to their respective rooms, including Anokhi. As she entered her room, Shaurya silently followed, closing the door behind them.

Anokhi couldn't help but notice his actions, her heart skipping a beat. Despite her awareness, she chose to gracefully overlook his intentions, maintaining her composure.

Oblivious to the intensity of his emotions, He watched as she gracefully walked towards the cupboard to retrieve her night clothes, her every movement captivating him. With gentle steps, she made her way to the washroom, leaving him spellbound.

His heart brimmed with a complex amalgamation of emotions: love, concern, and an overwhelming desire to protect her from any pain or discomfort.

To him, she was like a delicate flower, requiring careful handling and unwavering affection.

In this moment, the room held an air of palpable tenderness, as his silent admiration for her strength and resilience deepened.

As Anokhi emerged from the washroom, her eyes met his, and in that instant, a myriad of unspoken words echoed between them.

She could feel his presence, his unwavering gaze piercing through her defenses, reaching the depths of her soul. It was a gaze filled with emotions that danced like flickering flames in the darkness.

Suppressing the turmoil within her, she fought against the vulnerability that threatened to shatter the walls she had meticulously built.

Yet, beneath her steely resolve, she couldn't help but acknowledge the genuine concern and affection that radiated from him. His actions, once a source of confusion, were now unveiling themselves as an expression of his love.

His heart ablaze with a bittersweet concoction of adoration and trepidation, approached her cautiously, his every step resonating with his unwavering desire to be her protector, to bear the weight of her burdens.

The wounds he had inadvertently inflicted on her were etched in his memory, haunting him with remorse. He yearned to be the mender of her shattered soul, to soothe her pain and bring solace to her wounded heart.

Drawing closer, his hand quivered with anticipation, hesitating momentarily before tenderly brushing aside a stray lock of her hair, a gesture infused with a tender intimacy that sent shivers down her spine.

~ʂ𝗁𝖺𝗎𝗋𝗒𝖺-ɛ𝗄 ą𝗇𝗈𝗄𝗁𝗂 ƙ𝖺𝗁𝖺𝗇𝗂♡~A Shakhi FFWhere stories live. Discover now