Part 11

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"Jimin: okay that sounds like a you problem"

Sam had had enough of Jimin's attitude. He started to come closer to Jimin which made Jimin to back away, until he meet the wall that was blocking his way to go any further.

Sam trapped Jimin at the wall, Jimin was kinda started to feel hopeless.
Sam: I have always loved you, so why can't you love me the same way?
Jimin: because you're disgusting and did you forget that I am married huh?!!
Sam: yeah but did you forget that your husband are maybe fucking somebody else
Jimin: I hate you and I know he could never do that to me

Sam glared at Jimin but he then smirked. His eyes trawled down to Jimin's neck while licking his lips.
Sam: your neck looks good but my hickeys will make it better

Sam slowly made his way to Jimin's neck but before his lips could touch Jimin's skin, he felt a sharp pain on his little friend down there, Jimin kicked his dick so he could get free. Jimin went to the door as fast as he could and unlocked it but before he could even open the door he was pulled down on the floor by Sam, his hands were above his head and Sam was sitting on his wrist. Jimin was about to scream for help but Sam putted his filthy hand on Jimin's mouth.
Sam: shh do not even think about screaming it will not help you baby boy

Jimin just wanted to get out of Sam's grip, tears started to slowly fall. Jimin was hopeless, scared and just wanted it to end.

Back to Yoongi
Yoongi's pov
"Ah Jimin where are you uh I fucking hate them I swear to god if Sam have even laid a finger on Jimin he would be dead".

After a few seconds he came to the bathrooms

"Now I just have to find the one were Jimin is". I tried to listen carefully maybe I will be able to find Jimin that way.

I heard sobbing and someones voice the voice sounded so familiar I know it belonged to SAM
"I finally found you"

Yoongi went towards the door. He could hear Jimin begging Sam to let him go. Yoongi stormed in and found Jimin trapped on the floor and Sam on top of him kissing his neck.

Anger built inside of Yoongi, he lost his control and jumped on Sam. He just started punching and yelling at Sam til he became unconscious.

After Yoongi saw that Sam wasn't moving at all, he stopped and looked up at Jimin who was crying. He stood up and quickly went towards Jimin.
Yoongi: are you okay? Did he hurt you? Do you want to go home?-
Jimin: I am okay thanks to you (teary eyes)
Yoongi: aww baby you don't have to be scared look everything is okay now

Jimin nodded and then looked at Yoongi.
Jimin: they h-had p-planned it a-all
Yoongi: I know baby I know and they are gonna pay for this-
Jimin: babe c-can I please make one of my pranks on them please
Yoongi: of course baby and after the prank I will make their life's a living hell

Jimin started smiling thinking about all the things he can prank them with. He made Yoongi go and get some wax, superglue, glitter, tape, paper and some normal glue. Yoongi left confused but decided not to ask and just wait and see.

Yoongi came back after sometime and saw Jimin smiling to himself
Yoongi: babe I got what you wanted
Jimin: thanks now I will go and get that bitch Hana
Yoongi: okay baby. She is maybe in my office

Jimin left to get Hana. He came to the office and saw Hana sitting looking proud of what she had done

Jimin: oh look who we got here
Hana: uh you again
Jimin: I think your little plan didn't work out
Hana: what do you mean- oh I think Yoongi didn't tell you, well let me tell
Hana: we came in the office and I sat on his lap and we started kissing and-

Before Hana could continue her bullshit, Jimin came closer to her and slapped her with all his strength, which made her fall. Jimin bend over to her smirking knowing that he had the control.
Jimin: listen bitch do you actually think I will ever believe in that shit
Hana: w-who knows you may be s-stupid (stuttering)
Jimin: try to say that again without stuttering (smirking)
Hana: why are you such a bitch first you take my man and now you are here trying to play "I am more worth then you will never be" (saying this while getting up)
Jimin: first of all Yoongi will never be your man and second of all I am more worth when you, I am not playing like you slut

Hana was about to slap Jimin but Jimin was quick enough to quickly grab her hand stopping her.
Hana: let go of my hand assho-

Before she said more Jimin just punched her as hard as I could on her face, she ended up unconscious which made Jimin happy.
Jimin: bitch you talks too much

Jimin when dragging her to the bathroom where Yoongi and Sam was.
Jimin: is he still unconscious?
Yoongi: yep
Jimin: is he dead?
Yoongi: nope
Jimin: okay... anyways I have that bitch here
Yoongi: good so now can you tell me what your plan is?
Jimin: of course so listen I want them both together because I have the superglue which i will put on their hands and then glue them together. And I want the max on their eyebrows, and then I will put a paper on their back were I want to write "spank me because I am a hoe"
Yoongi: babe what did you need glitter for?
Jimin: actually I just wanted it so they could shine and glitter is also so complicated to get off
Yoongi: remind me not to make you angry

Jimin started laughing, but poor Yoongi was still scared (😂)
Jimin: okay so let's do it!

After 10 minutes they were done, they had glued their hands together, they putted the wax on their eyebrows and they put the paper on their backs and everything was ready.
Yoongi: so how do we wake them up?
Jimin: don't worry I got this
Jimin came to both of them and took the wax that where on their eyebrows and just pulled it as fast and hard as he could. He made them both scream and wake up.

Hey guys I hope it's not too complicated about back and forth between Yoongi and Jimin but if it is just comment it and I will try to explain it
And as always see you in the next part

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