Chapter 20

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As you stepped onto the escalator leading up to the indoor portion of Lotte World, your heart swelled with anticipation. Ji-ae and Sung-ho stood beside you, their happiness mirroring that of Min Jun, who was practically vibrating he was so excited. 

Sung-Ho often prompted the monthly visits to the theme park, which you were starting to think were less about Min Jun and more about letting his inner child run free. You had a pretty good feeling that the majority of the day would be you and Ji-ae sitting on a bench while he and Mochi rode every ride in sight. 

As you reached the top and the theme park came into view, you watched Min Jun's eyes widen impossibly large as he gazed at the vibrant carousel spinning merrily in the distance. His tiny hand clutched yours tightly, his energy manifesting physically as he started stomping in place. It didn't matter how many times he came, it was always just as exciting for him as it was the first time. 

You couldn't help but smile, feeling an overwhelming rush of affection for the little bundle of joy by your side. You squeezed his hand gently, assuring him that they would explore every inch of Lotte World for the millionth time. 

As you guided Min Jun onto the bustling platform, the kaleidoscope of lights, the sound of laughter and music, and the scent of cotton candy instantly surrounded you. Your gaze shifted from Min Jun to Sung-ho, who exchanged amused glances as the race was about to begin.

With little more than a squeal from Mochi, Sung-ho and him took off running towards the headband shop. You trailed behind with Ji-ae, watching on from where Sung-ho was helping Min Jun pick out which hat he wanted to adorn that day. 

Mochi ended up choosing a pair of tiger ears, which while you were convinced he already owned, Sung-ho didn't hesitate to buy them. 

Time seemed to fly as you made your way onto every possible ride and attraction that would admit Min Jun's height. His squeals with delight echoing as he rode every single one of the baby rides, his tiny hands gripping the safety bar, his infectious laughter filling the air. 

Amidst the frenzy of rides, you finally found a moment of respite on a bench, Ji-ae plopping down next to you with a pair of iced coffees in her hand. 

You watched as Sung-Ho took Min Jun on a colorful carousel, guiding the horse up and down, mirroring Min Jun's giggles. Their bond was undeniable, every time you watched them interact it made your heart swell. As you sat there, basking in the warmth of their connection, you couldn't help but feel overwhelmingly grateful for the incredible support system that surrounded your child.

But where you would never have felt it before, you started to feel like something was missing from today, and you knew exactly what it was.

"I'm a mess, girl" You sighed, taking a long sip of the iced coffee, pleasantly surprised that it had sugar in it which was something Ji tended to omit from her orders.

"Aren't we all," Ji-ae replied, "But do you care to elaborate?"

You side-eyed her, she already knew without you saying she just wanted you to come out with it yourself. 

"I'm going to ask Jimin out to dinner to talk about telling Mochi," You started, turning back to watch the boy in question pass by in front of you, "I just can't decide if I'm crazy for doing it so quickly, or crazy for waiting in the first place."

"I think you've done an incredible job raising Min Jun on your own, Y/N," Ji-ae interjected, her voice filled with admiration. "But it's only natural to want Min Jun to have a relationship with his father. And Jimin... well, he's been showing a lot of genuine interest in both you and Min Jun lately."

You nodded, a mixture of uncertainty and hope swirling within you. The idea of opening that door, of letting Jimin into your lives, was both exhilarating and terrifying. You knew that telling Min Jun about his father would bring about significant changes, not just in his life but in yours as well. It was a decision that held the power to reshape everything.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2023 ⏰

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