Chapter 10

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Without breaking your stare, which was fixed on the boy sat in front of you, your thoughts went reeling back to that dreadful phone conversation.

Even though it was almost 5 years ago, there was no way you could ever forget.

You had finally built up the courage to call Bighit, desperate to get through to Jimin since he had disappeared all those months before.

Eight months pregnant and emotional as all hell, you were hopelessly trying to let him know. Praying for any glimmer of hope that you wouldn't actually have to go through this terrifying experience alone.

All of your past emotions suddenly came back to you, so quickly it felt like you'd just been slapped across the face.

Their manager told me that they told him...

They told me that he didn't know who I was, that he didn't care...

Your hands clenched into fists as your thoughts settled on a final realization.

They wouldn't lie about that.

I deserve the f**king truth.

Your overwhelmed confusion quickly turned into boiling anger the more you let your thoughts simmer.

What if this is all some ploy to try and cover up the fact that he knew this whole time?

Now that he feels like he might be ready he thinks he can just waltz back in like he didn't screw me over, like he didn't abandon his own son?!

Your eyes narrowed further, turning into a deathly glare as you felt your emotions spill over.

Your body instinctively prepared itself for battle, finally unleashing all of your built up frustration and anger on the boy sat opposite from you.

"Finally. Only took you over four and a half years to confront it." You spat out through gritted teeth.

Jimin looked shocked by your sudden attack.

"Wait... what?!"

You scoffed, crossing your arms across your chest.

"Did you think you could just ignore it and hope that it would go away? That you could record your albums, and go on tour and build your career and just forget about it?!"

You were boiling over, all the thoughts you'd ever had about this conversation, all the scenarios and made up confrontations you'd come up with blending together into a huge ball of infuriating anger.

"While I gave birth to and raised your son by myself, while I changed his diapers and taught him how to walk and talk. While I gave up my full-ride scholarship to a top University, throwing away my chance at a higher education, so I could take on the roll of not just a mom but also a dad to Min Jun. And YOU... YOU were off spending your fortune on designer clothes and jewels, goofing around and performing around the world for millions of your adoring fans!"

You stood up, pacing away from the table before turning back to a wide-eyed and frozen Jimin.

"Who was there the first time Min Jun asked why he didn't have a dad?! Hmm?! Me. I was. I had to sit there and try to explain to him why all of his friends had mommy's and daddy's and he didn't. He was three f**king years old Jimin! Three years old crying to me because he couldn't understand, and then I'm left with the gaping hole of guilt in my chest for letting him get hurt like that, for ever letting myself be with someone who would abandon us like that!!"

You gripped the back of the chair in front of you, eyes welling up with tears as you stared straight into Jimin's soul.

"I'm not mad for me, I'm mad for him. I'm mad for all the important moments in his life that his own father didn't even care to know were happening. I'm mad for all the birthdays he had while you were off pretending he didn't exist. I'm mad that I have to stand here in front of you and listen to you pretend like you didn't know when I f**king called your manager and told him before Min Jun was even born. I don't care what excuses Namjoon makes up for you, you knew I was pregnant. Your company knew I was pregnant, for f**ks sake Jimin you knew!!!! You had to know!!!"

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