Part three

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"You sound like you are my mother..."

Lady Lesso's POV

I sighed. "That's because I am." Iris's eyes went wide.

"Y-you're my mother?" She asked with tears in her eyes. I nodded, not being able to form any words. "So everything you just said was about you?"

"Yes." I confirmed. She breathed in and out trying to calm her emotions.

"How long have you known?" She asked me.

"I think a part of me knew the moment I saw you but I began suspecting the moment I saw the necklace and now your baby blanket, I made it. I had your name stitched onto it in a purple color." I smiled at the memory of stitching her name onto it.

"I never showed anyone that, about the name." She whispered. I smiled. "And the necklace, what does that have to do with all of it? I got it when I was young?"

"The necklace was mine once but I saved it and eventually gave it to you hoping you could remember me by it, even if you didn't know who I was. I gave it to you just before I had to sent you away." I said. Iris looked at me, not knowing what to say.

Iris's POV

Hearing all this, about my blanket, my necklace. I moved my hand and accidentally touched Lady Lesso's. Suddenly I was pulled into a memory I think? I saw Lady Lesso but she looked a little younger than she was now.

She placed baby me into Dovey's arms, my baby blanket with my name that she made still around me. Professor Dovey started to walk away. "Wait!" Lady Lesso called out. She  pulled out a necklace and stood up with difficulty, I could she was in pain but continued anyway. She walked to Dovey, putting the necklace on.

"Goodbye my Iris. I'll always love you." She whispered with tears streaming down her face. She kissed my forehead before Dovey hurriedly took of. She fell down, crying because of the emotional pain.

Then it ended and I could see in her eyes that Lesso saw it too.

"I'm sorry that happened. I don't know why but I'm sorry you had to go through that because of me." I said.

"It's not your fault, don't ever say that. What happened to you was actually Rafal's doing." She said quietly.

"Who is Rafal?" I asked curiously.

"He's well he was my teacher once, we fell in love or at least I thought so. When he found out I was pregnant with you, he threatened to kill you the moment you were born. That's why I did what I did, to protect you." She said with tears in her eyes. I didn't know how to comfort her so I just hugged her. She buried her nose in my hair, bringing me close to her chest. You let her cry, just staying in her embrace. When she let you go her eyes were red from crying. "I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me. I don't normally act like this." She chuckled awkwardly.

"It's okay. You're allowed to show emotions." You explained. She shot you a smile, which you gladly returned.

"Look I just- I hope that one day you'll be able to forgive me and I know this will all take time, I don't expect you to see me as your mom or even call me that but just a know that I'm sorry." She said the tears appearing in her eyes again.

"What do I need to forgive you for? Saving my life? Protecting me? You did everything you could. And of course I see you as my mother, you're the one who gave birth to me, made me my comfort item,... I love you. You're right that it may take a little time but I won't treat you like a stranger." I said, sad that she would even think she isn't my mother. Suddenly the door opened.

"Iris I haven't seen you yet are you oka-  oh I'm sorry I didn't realize you were still here Lesso." She said. "Is everything alright?" She asked. Lesso was about to answer but I was faster.

"Everything is perfect professor Dovey." I said with a big smile on my face, making eye contact with Lesso. She smiled back and nodded at my statement.

"Alright, I'll see you two are dinner then." She said confused before leaving.

"Will you tuck me in tonight?" I asked taking her by surprise.

"Of course I will." She replied, tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear. "We should probably head to dinner, we don't want to be late." We stood up and walked to the dining hall. It was only now that I realized how hungry I was. We walked in and Lesso shot me one last look before we parted ways. I again sat down at a table all alone. I could hear some girls snickering just like they did in class. I did my best to ignore it and ate my dinner.

"Yo Iris, what are you doing, eating for two or something?" One laughed looking at the amount on my plate. It was true, I got a little more than I usually would but that was because I missed lunch. After the comment I played around with what remained on my plate. I could hear them laughing and feel their eyes on me. I stood up and walked to the library. I didn't have the energy to deal with them today. I picked up a book and began reading. I lost myself in the story. A hand on my shoulder got me out of my own world. I looked up and saw Lady Lesso standing over me.

"Iris, you okay?" She asked concerned. I nodded, not wanting to answer that question. "Okay well it's time to go to bed, I was looking you. You weren't in your room." She said.

"I just wanted to kill time so I came here." I stated. She nodded knowingly.

"Are you done? You can take the book with you and finish it another time." I closed the book after I marked which page I was on and followed her back to my room. I went into the bathroom, brushing my teeth and changing my clothes. I came back out, Lady Lesso looking around my room. "Are you all alone in here?" She asked after noticing no one else was here. I hummed confirming that I was. She sighed but didn't say anything else. "Alright come here my little peanut." She said opening her arms.

"Peanut?" I asked raising my brow as I walked into her embrace.

"It's something I called you when I was pregnant with you. A nurse once said somewhere in the first trimester that you were the size of a peanut and it stuck I guess." She laughed. She closed her arms around me. "Alright now it's really time for bed, we don't want you to be tired tomorrow." I crawled in bed, picking up my baby blanket. Lesso brought the covers over me, tucking me in like she said. "Goodnight my little peanut, I love you."

"Goodnight." I replied. I wasn't really ready to say it back yet and from the look on her face she understood. She kissed my forehead, and gave me one last look before walking out of my room.

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