Part four

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Trigger warning: bullying, mention of ed

Iris's POV

It's been a few weeks since I was brought here. Since I found my mom.the relationship between us has continued to grow. We've also gotten into a nightly routine, she would tuck me in, sometimes telling me story. She would always kiss me goodnight, no matter how busy she was. I loved, finally feeling the love of a mother was everything I ever wanted. There was something I haven't told her though. The comments from the girls have continued to get worse. I don't eat anymore, it would only make me fatter and they haven't just called me things but they've also gotten physical, up until now I was able to hide it but today they went further than they ever did. They beat me, calling me names like fatty, loser, .... And saying things like 'nobody wants you, not even your own mother' I really wanted to ignore that but when you hear it everyday for weeks, you start believing it. I was now laying on the ground in one of the halls. I had bruises all over my body, arms, legs, stomach, even my face. My lip was split open and I was pretty sure it was still bleeding. I wasn't that far from my room as I was on my way there when they got to me. I really wanted to get up and hide in there but I was unable to move. I don't know how long I was laying there for but I heard heels clicking against the ground.

"Iris, oh my god, what happened to you honey?" I heard a well known voice say.

"Mama!" I sobbed. She knelt down next to me, making sure not to hurt me more.

"I'm here peanut, it's okay. Can you tell me what happened." She asked concerned.

"H-hurts!" I choked out.

"I know honey, I know. It's going to be okay, I promise." She cooed before picking me up as careful as she could. I cried out, feeling the pain shoot through me as my position was adjusted. "I'm sorry peanut, I'm so sorry." She whispered as she rushed me to who knows where. Before we could arrive, I blacked out and the next thing I know is that I'm waking up in a bed in a white room. I looked around, seeing my mom talking with professor Dovey.

"This isn't okay Clarissa! Look at her, she's beat up, underweight and is laying in a fucking hospital bed because you couldn't keep an eye on your students! And all you want to do is make them apologize? They did that to her, they're the reason she's here!" She said angrily.

"M-mama?" I asked. Her head turned around, looking at me.

"I'm here baby girl. How are you feeling? Does anything hurt? Should I ask the nurse to give you some more painkillers?" She asked concerned after she rushed back to my side.

"It's okay, doesn't hurt too much." I said. "Head feels fuzzy." I mumbled.

"That's probably because of the pain killers, they gave you some strong stuff." She chuckled sadly.

"Sweetheart, can you tell us what happened?" Dovey asked. Mama shot her an angry but I answered.

"The girls from my class, they beat me up, normally it's just a few bruises but I guess I deserved more this time." I whispered, looking down at my lap.

"Hey no, none of that. You don't deserve any of this, not the beatings, not the starving, nothing. You're my perfect, beautiful little girl and you will always be. You don't deserve what they did to you and I will make them pay for what they did." The redhead said.

"Lesso you can't, they're students." Dovey protested.

"The hell I can't, I'm dean of the school for evil and they'll find out just how evil I can be." Lady Lesso replied. With that she took off to find the people who did this. I heard Dovey sigh and come closer to me.

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