Part six

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Lady Lesso's POV

The door opened and I walked in. "So princess, did you enjoy watching us?" I asked. She blushed at being caught.

"I'm sorry, it's just that for the last twelve year I've seen you cold and sad and now your so happy and you were playing with you daughter. Daughter Lesso, you got her back. And she's amazing, just like you." She whispered the last part. I looked at her.

"Dovey what aren't you telling me?" I asked. "I can feel that there is more going on."

"I don't think I should tell you." I walked closer to her. She couldn't move back anymore due to her desk being in the way.

"So you don't feel anything?" I asked. Our faces now inches away from each other. "Look me in my eyes and tell me you don't like me too." She looked down, and didn't say anything. I forced her to look at me and saw something in her eyes. "Dove, I'm going to kiss you now, is that okay?" I asked. She nodded. I put my lips on hers, fitting perfectly together. When we broke apart, I smiled. "You're amazing dove, you've always been here for me and I'm so thankful for you."

"It's my pleasure Lesso. And your pretty amazing too you know, I mean look at that daughter of yours. You might not have raised her but that is your doing Lesso." She said. I smiled.

"Speaking of Iris, I think we should go check up on her." I said. Dovey agreed and together we walked to the library. We walked inside and what we saw was not what we were expecting. The library was empty and I didn't know where Iris was.

"I don't think Iris is here." Dovey said, stating the obvious. I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah I gathered that. Can you just help me find her? I'll look in my school and you yours, I'll keep you updated." I said before walking away. I looked everywhere, openging every door, looking in all the classrooms. Of course I started with the obvious places but only got more worried when she wasn't there. When I was walking to other rooms I heard a child's cries coming from behind a door. I opened some doors, looking for the source and I finally found it. It was one of the potion rooms. I saw a child who couldn't be older two sitting by what looked like a potion. I saw Iris's necklace around the child's neck and immediately knew that was my child. I sighed, thinking how she could have possibly fixed in the half an hour I was away. I walked to her and picked her up.

"It's okay baby girl, it's alright. You're okay." I cooed. She calmed down almost instantly and cuddled up to me. I walked with her in my arms to the other school to alert Dovey. I walked along the halls when I finally saw her. "Dove it's okay, I found her." I said, bouncing the little girl in my arms. Dovey looked at me confused.

"Last I checked, Iris was a twelve year old girl, not a baby." She said.

"Well looks like she has never traits after all." I chuckled. "I found her in one of the classrooms, I think she was trying to make a potion but clearly that went wrong." I explained. Iris was playing with my hair which was fine until she began  pulling at it. "Ouch, that hurt Iris." She giggled.

"Here let me take her." Dovey said. I transferred Iris to her and she didn't seem to mind. Dovey held her, playing with her and cooing at her. "Who is a good little girl? Yes you are, yes you-." She was cut off by Iris slapping her little hand against Dovey's face. The blonde looked stunned and I hurt out laughing. Dovey held Iris at arms length and I took my daughter from her.

"You are my evil little girl, huh?" I asked her. She giggled and I took it as a yes. "Sorry Dovey, looks like Iris wasn't such a perfect ever when she was young." I laughed. "Come on baby girl, let's get you something to eat." I said walking to the dining hall. We went into the kitchen and I started looking for something that she might eat. "Okay peanut, let's see." I got out some yoghurt and sat down somewhere. I held the spoon with yoghurt out for her.

"Nuh!" Iris said. Even so, I tried again. I tickled her to get her to open her mouth and put the spoon in carefully. I thought I succeeded but she spat the yoghurt out and it landed right on my jacket. I sighed.

"What do you want then honey?" I questioned.

"Mama!" She giggled. I shook my head.

"Baby I don't know what you mean okay? You gotta help me out a little here." I pleaded. Iris began wiggling around and it became difficult to keep her in my lap. When she didn't stop I put her down on the ground. To my surprise, she pulled herself up using my leg for stability. I felt a sense of pride but also sadness arise in me. Sadness because I missed all her first moment, I missed everything with her. I picked her up again and slowly walked around, cradling her in my arms. I rocked and stroked her hair. "You had a very eventful day haven't you sunshine?" I cooed seeing her yawn. "It's okay, you can sleep. Tomorrow's another day." She closed her eyes and nuzzled into me. I put her to bed, hoping she wouldn't suffocate under the covers. I retreated to my own room and quickly closed the door. I let the tears fall, I missed everything with her. I didn't bother going to dinner and just lay in bed until sleep finally consumed me.


I don't know what I'm doing anymore and honestly this is getting worse and worse so if anyone has any ideas let me know!

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