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I wish Saejin was here, she would solve all my problems. I can't make out what I should wear. But let's create a good impression because first impression is the last impression.

I ended up wearing a denim dungaree with light makeup. I have only applied lip balms till now but look what all I gotta do to get noticed. Will he like this look of me?.

"Ready babygirl?." Bomi knocks.

Ahh get in.

She looks pretty. Girly girl, now I know why guys are mad behind her. She wore a light colored floral knee length frock. It looked pretty on her. And she's good at doing her own make up.

Bomi, teach me how to do my own make up oneday.

"Sure babes."

You look gorgeous. I compliment.

"You should have chosen something else to wear. Still get changed if time permits."

Ahh. Chenle just called saying he would be here at any minute.

"I'll handle it. Go get changed."

Nah. It's alright I'm confident wearing these.

"As you wish."

My phone buzzed and we get down. Chenle brought his car which he himself was gonna drive.

I saw Hyunsuk and smiled at him. He sat infront. But got down as he saw me coming.

"You look pretty."

"You look so cool too Hyunsuk-ah."

"Hi Bomi."

"Oh hi Hyunsuk."

"Hyunsuk get in we're getting late."

"Hayoon you wanna sit at the front?." Hyunsuk asks.

No. I prefer sitting back. I hope he understood.

I opened the door and guess what?. It was my chance to sit beside Heeseung. I'm so nervous at this moment.

"Hayoon. Come here for a minute." Chenle calls.

This guy. Tell me.

"Mom told me to buy flowers for you as usual. Remember to show them to Grandpa." He whispers in my ears.

I go back and find Bomi already sitting. To be honest I would have yeeted her. I was so irritated.

You sure you don't want window seat Bomi?. You'd usually snatch it away from me.

"No. I'll let you sit there from today."

Why's she behaving like that these days?. Or it's my bad luck. They sat so freaking close. Their legs literally touched each others. I should have rather sat beside Chenle instead of watching the person I like sitting beside my own cousin.

He smiled at her... I sometimes envy my cousin because she has the looks. She can attract anyone. I don't wish to do it with anyone but atleast the one I like.

I never saw him smiling. He never smiled at me. He never talked to me. I'm the unluckiest person of this world. I would have got a chance to sit beside him, all because of this damn flower. Sometimes I just feel like giving up, but my heart doesn't support.

I sigh loudly.

"Hayoon?. You didn't like those flowers?."

It's not about flowers Chenle.

"Then alright."

What alright?. I'm sad. I whisper to myself.

"Guys. Where are we going though?." Bomi asks excitedly.

"To the arcade." Chenle replies.

"Why arcade, come on. You have two girls with you. Take us to a better place." She demands.

"We wanna play games." Chenle replies.

"Hayoon. Tell your guy, you don't wanna go to arcade."

No. I like playing games. I have no problem.

"So you have sided with him?. You're unbelievable."

Stop whining Bomi. They'll take us to another place you wish but let them spend some time with each other first.

"For the first time in life, I feel proud being engaged to you." Chenle compliments.

What the hell he means first time?. Well, he must be the first time but it's a zero for me.

"Don't worry Bomi we'll go to the amusement park too." Hyunsuk adds.

"Yay!. Thank you Hyunsuk. I guarantee you all of us will enjoy."

E3 had all their life's fun at the arcade, even I enjoyed it not gonna lie. Then we decided to proceed to the amusement park because of Bomi.

"It was fun. I won 5 games. I didn't wanted to leave that place to be honest."

Just 5? I won 6.

"Are you kidding me Hayoon?." Chenle asks.

"Well yes, she did win. I watched her play." Hyunsuk says.

"Next time I'm gonna challenge you and defeat you."

Challenge accepted.

We reached the amusement park. Actually I felt like leaving for home but Bomi won't let me go so I had to stay. My mood was already off she again sat beside Heeseung while coming to the amusement park.

"Oh yes. Here we are let's gooooo." She barged in.

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