fifty three

46 4 12

Today's the day of party. I honestly don't like socialising in such parties. Chenle's mom's side of people who love to show off will be present. Plus his so called rich friends. And other girls who like dragging me down for his attention.

Girls have always made me feel worthless. They always do it for male attention, I have always been their scapegoat and I just hate it. That's why I only trust Saejin, the only female friend I have in my life.

I tell Saejin about this and she's busy so I couldn't force her to be here.

Thankfully there's a room for me, as we were childhood friends, I used to come to his place and we played many games. And one considerable thing his mon did is keeping one room for me. Actually it was a guest room but I liked it so much, so she changed the theme and made it girlish.

And I'm coming here after many years, because I grew up and stopped coming here...

I have to get ready and I'm so nervous about it. Those girls love dragging me. I keep talking to myself as I shut the door. Why am I at this situation everytime?. Last time Heeseung saved me but what about now?.

"You have me again." I hear a thud sound as someone jumps in through the window.



Why are you here and how did you know?.

"I'm Chenle's best friend if you forgot."


"Are you still angry with me?. I swear I will jump off this window if you still."

No shut up.

"So did you forgive me?."

I think I did last time itself.

"Why are you stressing so much?." He plops on the bed.

Those girls. They always bother me.


I tell him everything in short.

"Why would you be tensed. Ignore them."

It's not easy, they make me feel like an outcast.

"Don't worry about them."

It does worry me because I went through it all the time.

Oh right, you're here for our matchmaking right. Help me through this.

"I'm not here for the matchmaking. I changed my mind." His voice is serious.

Whatever. You have to help me out.

"I will."

I shall get ready now. Get out.


I'm getting changed.

"You're so mean."

Heeseung why would a guy see a girl getting undressed?.

"I won't peek I swear."

How am I supposed to believe you?.

"Hayoon why will I do that?."

You're right....

Okay close your eyes shut. With your hands tight. And turn around.

Damn this stupid chain.

H-heeseung. I stutter to ask help from him in this condition. My back is almost exposed.

"Are you done?."

Would you mind helping me...

"Why not."

Can you chain it up...


I feel so embarassed.

He tries pulling it up but guess it's not working.

It's okay if you can't.

"Wait a minute."

His hand touches my back, maybe by mistake and I feel heated.

"It's done."

He turns me around but I'm too shy to even look into his eyes right now.

"What happened?. Did I do something?."

N-no... it's nothing.

"I made you blush didn't I?."


"Then look me in the eye and tell me I didn't."

Stop your movie dialogues Heeseung.

"I'm serious."

I gotta get ready.

"Let me do it for you."


"Your hairstyle and make up."


"Are you surprised?. I'm a sister's brother. I know it."

Why is he behaving that way.

He makes me sit on the couch.

"I'll get it done, everything."

Five minutes and he's making my hairstyle, I won't lie, he ate.

"Now it's time for the make up."

I quickly shut my eyes as he reaches for my face.

"I didn't even pick the eye shadow why did you shut your eyes?."

How do I tell him I feel miserable.

Something went in my eyes...

"Shall I help?."


He gets the lipstick and reaches my lips. He puts it on my lips and drags it over gently.

"Open your mouth slightly."

I do as he says. And my eyes meet his oceanic eyes. No no no fuck it. What am I thinking.

His eyelashes move, his eyes meeting mine. He caught me there. I tried so hard to ignore him and tried being mean, but it didn't help in the end.

I look away, turning my face to another direction. He pulls it back holding my chin.

"We're not done yet."

Something curls up in my stomach hearing those words.

He then drags the lipstick again. Oh he meant the lipstick...

He puts his lips on mine, giving a small kiss.

"Now we're done."


"Get up or you'll be late. Shall I escort you miss?."

No I'll get going.

He's acting strange.

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