Chapter 1:

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Erin's POV:
I left for New York after the case with my mom's 'boyfriend'. I did't want to leave jay or Hank or even the Unit, but it was the only way to save my mom. I still have feelings for Jay and I know that I always will, but Jay must have moved on but I couldn't. I knew if I had answered his phone call the night that I left Chicago I wouldn't have left and I know I hurt him when I didn't say goodbye to him and I still think about calling him, but I can't go back yet. I just need one more week, if I don't make it that one week, Hank, won't let me back in the Unit even if the boss does want me back to replace Hailey and get my partner back. Hank does want me back, but the deal was to give it one more week, because he needs the week to tel the Unit I was coming back. I'm hoping he lets me and Jay be partners again. I miss him like crazy and this past year has been the worst.

Jay's POV:
I wish she would've told me about New York, I would've gone with her. I can't get her off my mind. I don't know if she's moved on, but I couldn't. She's the one for me. I know that for a fact. Hank tells me how she is, but it just isn't enough anymore. I need to see her, to hug her, to kiss her, to tell her how much she means to me. I just need to see her.

One week before Erin comes back:

Today is different than any other day or so I thought. For the past year since Erin left, and my heart shattered, and my world crashed down around me, I've been coming in late and Hank understands because what she doesn't know, was that night, I was going to propose and I, of course, asked for his permission.

Hank: "Alright, everyone, listen up, I got some news. Now I only just got the new two days ago, but the Sargent has said yes to an old friend coming to rejoin this Unit. But, she wont be back for another week. Any questions?"

Dawson: "You said she, so who's coming back?"

Hank: "Jay?"

Me: "Yes Sir?"

Hank: "This week will be your last week running late. Or you will have Lindsay on your ass. Is that clear?"

Me: "I'm sorry, did you just say Lindsay? Is Erin coming back?"

Hank: "Yes, Erin will be back in a week."

Me: "FINALLY! I promise I won't be late anymore and I'll even do coffee runs if you want."

Erin's POV:
I can't believe that Hank recorded Jay's reaction to hearing about me coming back to the Unit, man have I missed his smile and voice, and apparently Jay's been running late for the past year. But I want to know why Hank's letting him get away with it until I was coming back? I regret ever leaving and I'm hoping that I can talk to Jay alone before I get back to work. Not knowing if I'll have the chance or even time to, is eating me alive, I have to call Hank and see if I can come a day early and talk to Halstead.

Phone call:

H: "Erin?"

E: "Hank, I need to come back a day early. Please, I need to-"

H: "To talk to Halstead, I know, which is why I also knew you were gonna ask, which is also why I sent you a plane ticket for tomorrow. And yes, I know it's two days early, but just don't tell anyone besides me and Jay. Just let me know when you land and I'll have Mouse track his phone and I'll tell you where he is, and no, I won't tell him."

E: "Hank, thank you so much! I'll see you tomorrow and if need be, I'll bring Jay along."

H: "Okay, Erin. Be safe and I'll see you soon."

And that was the end of our conversation, so after we hung up, I started getting everything packed and ready, printed my ticket, and was ready to leave to go back home. Home. Man it's been a while since I said home or called anything home since I left Jay, Hank, the Unit, and Chicago. I can't wait to go back home, to the Unit, to Hank, to the love of my life, to Jay.
This is it. Today is the day I get to see Jay for the first time in a year. I called Hank the minuet I landed and he told me that he was at my old place. Good thing I still have a house key.

Jay's POV:
(The day Erin is supposed to surprise him)

Today is a Saturday, a day off means sitting on the couch with a beer, missing Erin, so my normal Saturday. I've been staying at her place, it's the only place where it felt like home. It's been an hour and I have been staring into space, I really don't know what movie is playing and I really didn't care. I must have zoned out because I didn't hear the door unlock or open, all I heard was, "Really, Halstead? This is what you do on your day off? A beer and a really crappy movie?" And for the first time, in a year, I hear her voice and her laugh, but to make sure I wasn't dreaming, I stood up and turned around.

Erin's POV:

I unlocked the door and walked in, to see Jay watching the live-action Dora movie and drinking a beer, so I say,

"Really, Halstead? This is what you do on your day off? A beer and a really crappy movie?", and I laughed. I noticed him standing up off the couch slowly and then turned around, the look of pure shock was evident on his face. He slowly walked towards me, when he finally reached me, he put his hands on my face and whispers,

"Erin, are you really here? Is it real or am I dreaming?"

E: "I'm here, it's real. I got here two days early. Hank and I talked and he already sent the ticket before I even called him. I missed you and I know that I should've told you what was going on, but I couldn't, because I knew that once I heard your voice I would've let my mother go to jail just so I could be with you. I have so much I need to tell you, so much you need to know."

J: "Hey, I didn't want to talk you out of it. I would've suggested for me to go with you. I missed you so much. Don't ever leave again, please."

E: "I don't plan on it. I wish I knew where I belonged sooner, if you'd have me, I was wonder if I cou- of course he interrupted me, but I'll let it slide.

J: "If it's you moving in, you don't even have to ask, I wouldn't let you move anywhere else. Erin?"

E: "Yes, Jay?"

J: "I'm still in love with you." And with that being said, Jay closed the space between us and kissed me, I of course kissed him back. Once we pulled away, I rested my forehead against his and whispered, "I'm still in love with you too, Jay." We stayed there behind the couch hugging for the longest time, but once we got tired of standing there, we went to the couch cuddled, kissed, and made up for the last year.

E: "Now, Halstead, we are going to have a discussion of you being late to work."

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