Chapter 8: Surprise Visit:

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Erin's POV:
Jay came home from the hospital a few days ago and refuses my offer to help him with anything, even though the one condition for him leaving early was to take it easy, and honestly we all knew he wouldn't. I decided he needed to get out of the house, because he was starting to go crazy from not being able to go back to work yet, so we went to breakfast. We went to this diner close by the precinct, I thought we could drop off coffee and breakfast for everyone.

E: "How are you doing?"

J: "I feel better now that we're out of the house. I was starting to get antsy from sitting all day."

E: "I noticed, which is why I thought about getting breakfast for us, then order coffee and breakfast for the team, and then dropping it off there."

J: "You're the best! I love you so much!"

E: "I love you so much too, Jay."
After we got our breakfast and coffee, Jay paid while I ordered the others their coffee and breakfast. While we were waiting for it to be ready, me and Jay were just talking about everything that happened while I was gone, when I heard someone from behind me gasp and say, 'Erin?'
And by the look on Jay's face, I could tell it wasn't somone I wanted to see, but by the voice, I knew it was someone I didn't want to know I was home. I got up and turned around and said, "Mom."

Bunny: "How long have you been in town?"

E: "About a month or so." I shrugged my shoulders like it wasn't a big deal.

Bunny: "Why didn't you tell me you were back or that you were coming back?"

E: "Because as soon as I got back, I had more importnt people to see that didn't ruin my life, and I got caught up with a case as soon as I got back thanks to your absuive ex. And dad said I shouldn't tell anyone I was back yet." And once I said dad out of instinct, I saw a look come across her face, but I couldn't place what it was. Our order was ready after that, so I grabbed it, thanked the lady, grabbed Jay's hand, and we left witout another word. Once we got in the precinct, I told Trudy hey and gave her, her coffee and breakfast, and then we headed up the stairs to Intelligence.

E: "Hey guys, we got coffee and breakfast for everyone. Hank here?" Adam looked at me and pointed to his office, I then gave everyone a hug, grabbed Hank's coffee and breakfast, and headed to his office. I knocked on the door, and he let me in.

E: "Hey dad. Me and Jay brought you guys coffee and breakfast. While we were waiting on it we ran into mom, and we had an argument, and I told her that dad didn't want me to tell anyone else I was back and she got this look on her face, but I don't know what it was."

H: "Hey, kiddo. So your mom knows your back, I'm sure I'll get a call or a visit from her sooner or later. But I'm glad you know now and that you got to hear it from me and not her."

E: "Me too dad, I missed you. Do you want to do something this weekend if you're free?"

H: "Of course Kiddo. What did you have in mind?"

E: "Maybe we could go to a baseball game or someting?"

H: "I would love that."
After he said that, we heard someone yelling for him, and of course it was my mother.


H: "Crap. Here we go." So we walked out into the bullpen with everyone else and she's got this look on her face and it's anger. Usually that look would terrify me, but not anymore.

Hank's POV:
Once we heard Bunny yelling for me, we both sighed, and walked into the bullpen.

H: "What Bunny?"

B: "Why didn't you tell me my daughter was back in town? And apparently working for you again?"

H: "Because she's my daughter and I may be a little late, but I wanted to protect her from you, because God knows, you're nothing, but bad news. Her childhood for starters, shouldn't have been what it was, and it's all because of you."

B: "You still should've told me, she's my daughter. you have no right to hide that from me and you don't know what you're talking about."

H: "Don't I? Because Erin told me everything. You broke her down repeatedly, and I'm done seeing it happen, so you can leave, because as long as I'm alive you're done hurting her."

B: "You can't keep me from her."

E: "He may not can keep me from you, but I can keep myelf from you. I'm over all of your drama and bullshit. I don't want to see you anymore, I want nothing from you. So leave me alone, as far as I'm concerned, my mother died a long time ago." Once she said that, I knew who she was talking about, and apparently so did Bunny. Because the next thing Bunny says is,

B: "SHE WASN'T YOUR MOTHER! SHE NEVER WAS! I WAS THERE THROUGH EVERY FIRSTS WITH YOU!" Erin loses it at what sh said and starts yelling at her.

She was about to attack Bunny, so I grabbed when I saw Jay giving me a look, then glanced at Erin, then back atm, and then at his arm that was still in a sling saying, 'Yout got to do it, I can't.' So I wrapped my arms around her, pulled her away from Bunny, and told Kevin to get Bunny out of here, he did just that. Me, Jay, and Erin go into my office, and I shut the door. Once the door is shut, Erin starts crying and saying how she missed Camille, that she wishes she could tell her that she was her mom, and that she loved her.

H: "She knows baby. I promise you she knows and she'd be so proud of you. Do you remember what she used to tell you when you came to live with us?"

E: "She'd say, 'No matter what happened to you, you are so beautiful, and loved. You have a bright future, Erin, you just need people in your life that will love you and be there for you very step of the way. Me and Hank will be there for you, we're family now. Never forget, that no matter where you go in this world, we love you and will always be here for you. All you gotta do is call.' I miss her, I think she'd love Jay."

H: "I'm sure she would. Jay, if you're still willing anad are ready, my offer still stands." And I wink at him, so he knew what I was talking about, and he gets this shock look on his face. Erin'a confused as hell.

J: "Really? Thank you so much sir! You won't regret this, I promise." With that, I left the two of them in my office and close the door.

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