Chapter 3:

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Erin's POV:
Jay thinks my "father" did it, but it was my "father's" friends. I wanted to tell him that, but I cried before I could tell him. We were sitting on the couch, I'm just thinking a lot.

J: "Erin, what's running through that pretty head of yours?"

E: "It wasn't my father."

J: "Wha-oh. If it wasn't him, the who was it?"

I sat there for a minuet, knowing that what I say next would cause him anger. So with a deep breath, I say,
"It was his friends."

Jay's POV:
I wasn't really sure what I was expecting she was going to say next about the topic we had in the locker room or lack of, but she didn't have to say what happened, the way she acted and the look on her face said it all and I just wished I coould take it all away and kowing I can't hurts the most.

J: "Erin, I wish, oh God, how I wish I could just take your pain away, everyhingthat happened I wish I could take it away. I swear to you, I will stop your father from ever coming back and hurting you. I'm here now until I die, I'll protect you from now on, no one will hurt you ever again. I promise."

E: "Jay, I understand. That's how I feel when you get these nightmares and flashbacks of your time in the Rangers. And I feel so helpless just watching you go through all that. The only thing I can do is to just be there for you. I now understand what happened to you when I left and I promise I'm never  leaving you again. You can count on me now, I know where I belong. It's where I always belonged, here with you, in Chicago, and in Intelligence. I kept trying to find my place in New York, but I couldn't and that's because I never should've left in the first place. I should've let Bunny go to jail that night. You have no idea how much I regret leaving you, I just hope you still love and trust me."

I can't believe she thinks I don't love or trust her anymore for that matter.

J: "Erin, I will never stop loving you or trusting you ever. No matter what you do or what happens, I will never stop loving you. You got to believe that. Believe me."

E: "I do. I just...I just don't want to put myself in that position again."

J: "What position?"

E: "The position of losing you. I don't ever want to lose you again."

J: "Hey, look at me. That won't happen. I'm right here, I'm not going anywhere. I promise." I took her into my arms, kissed her forehead, and we snuggled in for the night.

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