Chapter 9:

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Erin's POV:
As my dad left me and Jay sitting in his office, I couldn't help, but wonder what his offer to Jay was, although it looked and sounded to me like Jay knew what he was talking about which made the situation all the more confusing, but the weird part was when my dad winked at him. My dad hardly winks at people, unless he's trying to send a secret message or to get a point across. So I wonder what my dad was telling Jay with that wink.

Jay's POV:
Damnit! Why did he have to wink at me? Now she knows something's up and it's not like I carried the ring around for the past year just hoping and praying she'd show up, and I would just automatically get down on one knee and propose. Okay, so maybe I did do that until I found out she was coming back, and decided against it, because maybe she was seeing someone else, I didn't want to get my hopes up. Okay that's a lie again, because if she was seeing someone, why did she come to the apartment where I was staying, more like living in, if Hank already knew she was coming home and knew I was staying there. And yes, I did have the ring on me, in my pocket and I may or may not have been twirling it around on my finger while I was drinking and lost in thought, that Saturday afternoon when Erin came back and shoved it in my pocket before I stood up when I heard her beautiful voice and laugh.

Erin's POV:

E: "What was that about? What message was my dad trying to send to you without me knowing?"

J: "Okay, so just remember that I love you and was going to tell you, but it seems like your dad had other plans towards me telling you, so here goes. The night you had left for New York, I talked to Will about the ring that belonged to our mother since the deal was whoever met the girl they wanted to marry first got the ring, so I told him I needed the ring, he congratulated me and gave it to me. So once I got the ring from Will, I came back here knowing Hank would be here, but I think it was before you talked to him because when I asked him for his permission to marry you, he told me yes. He gave me his blessing and told me to go for it. That's why I called you that night, I was calling you to get you to come to Molly's, so I could propose. But when you didn't answer, I came back here looking for you, but found Hank instead. He was upset and told me that you went to New York, but wouldn't tell me why until a few months later because I called him, possibly drunk, but anyway I called him and told him that I was booking a one-way ticket to New York and I was going to find you whether he wanted me too or not. And that's when he told me twice, once when I was drunk and again sober because he figured I didn't remember, but I did anyway. He told me the reason why you left and that you didn't want any from the twenty-first district or anyone in your past life, including me and him, to come find you, that you said it's where you were meant to be. But I didn't believe him, seeing as how I went there anyway without anyone knowing and I was shocked when he told me you were coming back because when I was there, you looked like you were in a relationship, so I left and never told anyone about that trip, not even Will."

E: "You came to New York? When was this?"

J: "Why does that matter?"

E: "Just answer the question. When did you go to New York?"

J : "Around Christmas, I think?"

E: "Ahhh. Jay I was undercover all through December. That guy you saw me with, I wasn't 'seeing him, seeing him'. I was seeing him so my FBI team could nail him for rape, muliple assult charges, and drugs. That's why I told Hank not to let anyone come to New York, because they could blow my cover."

J: "Oh, I just thought you just didn't want to see me, but told Hank everyone as to not look rude or something. I'm sorry I jumped to conclusions."

E: "It's okay. Honestly? I'd do the same if I was in your shoes. But you were going to propose that night?"

J :"Yeah I was, I know we weren't together anymore back then, but I knew you were it for me. You still are, but funny story, well not funny haha, but still funny to me. Anyway, that Saturday, when you walked into the apartment and caught me watching the live-action Dora movie, I was actually lost in thought twirling the ring around my finger. And for the past year, I've carried it around with me, if it wasn't in my pocket, it was on my badge chain, or on a chain around my neck. Kinda like you were with me, even if I never got the chance to ask you or put it on your finger. Once I knew you left, I went back to Will and told him what happened and tried to give him the ring back to him, but he told me to hold onto it just in case. And that if he needed it before I was able to give it to you, then he knew where it was and knew it was safe. So that's why I still have it."

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