Chapter 11:

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Hailey’s POV:
I start work in the Intelligence Unit again in a couple of days and I’m excited. Maybe this time will be different. 

Jay’s POV:
I’m starting to worry about Erin, Hailey starts in a few days, and I can see her already starting to get antsy from being stuck behind a desk all day, but it’s the safest place for her and the baby. We have our gender and all around check up appointment in an hour. We made the appointment for the morning of when Hailey is supposed to come back to work, to give the team a little bit of good news, but due to Natalie’s schedule, this was the only appointment she had for the month, which we completely understood, so we took it.

J: “Er, you ok?”

E: "I’m just thinking. I’m worried about how everythings going to go once Hailey is here. I don’t want her to mess anything up.”

J: “Mess what up, hun?”

E: “The team. Us.”

J: “I promise you, she won’t come between us. You and our baby, mean everything to me. You two are my enire world, screw that you two are my entire life, and I haven’t even met this little peanut yet, but I’m already in love with them too. Nothing will ever make me walk away from you both. Certainly, not another woman. Er, you’re it for me. I want no one else. I promise you have me until the end of time. I love you so much!” I tell her as I walk up to her, touch her cheek, and hugged her.

E: “I love you, Jay. You put my mind at ease, I’m just glad you won’t be partnered with her. I don’t trust her.”

J: “I know babe, I don’t either. But Kim knows how to handle herself, so you don’t have to worry about her either.”

E: “How’d you know?”

J: “I saw the look on your face as she was talking about the case we closed a few days ago. She’ll be just fine.”

E: “God, I love you. I can’t wait to see you hold our baby for the first time. You’re going to make a great dad, Jay.”

J: “Thank you, babe. You’re going to be an incrediable mother.” I smile at her as I kissed her. I'm addicted to this woman in front of me. She's the only drug I'll ever need. And I can't wait until she's mine forever and put a ring on her hand.

Erin’s POV:
I know he says that and he believes it, but after everything my own mother put me through, I just don’t see how I would be. Yes, Camille and Hank raised from the age of fifteen, and I learned so much from both of them, but I just don't know how I'll be. I just hope Jay’s right and I’ll be the best mom like Camille was for me. I miss her every day. If it’s a girl, her name will be, Camille Nadia Halstead, but if it’s a boy, Justin Hank Halstead, or maybe he could have two middle names if Jay wants to use his father’s name. 

E: “Jay, I have something to run by you.” I tell him as we sat in the locker room, while he gets ready to go bust a gang who’s selling drugs out of an abandon warehouse. 

J: “What’s up, pretty lady?” He stops what he’s doing, to give me his full attention, even though we both knew Hank was waiting for him.

E: “If it’s a boy, what about Justin Hank Halstead, but I was also thinking if you wanted to name him after your dad, then the baby could have two middle names?” 

J: “Hold on. You want the baby to have my last name?”

E: “Well….maybe we could hypenate? Voight-Halstead? But either way, I want the baby to have their daddy’s last name.”

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