Chapter 6:

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Erin's Step-dad's POV:
How dare he?! I can't believe Hank would steal her. I have plan to get her back. I can't wait to get my hands on her.

Erin's POV:
I gave them all of the possibilities of where he could be. And I don't know where exacly he could be hiding. I know he's been watching me since I've been back, hopefully he doesn't know I'm here permantely yet. Jay's been my rock through all of this and I feel bad because I haven't asked him how it's been affecting him. He hasn't been sleeping much since we found out he's after me. And I know it's because he's trying to catch him before he can find me or hurt me. And I love him for that, but he needs to sleep before he crashes. I thought I'd talk to Hank about Jay's lack of sleep. So I go to knock on his door, but it's already opened, so I just walk inside and close the door behind me.

E: "Hey dad, you got a second?"

H: "Of course, what's up?"

E: "I'm worried about Jay. He hasn't been sleeping since we found out he's after me. Even when we're home, he just lays with me until I fall asleep and then he'll go into the living room and work until around 3 if not work until the next morning."

H: "That explains why he looks like death. Try to get him to take a break and to take a power nap. We could all use a break. You try to get him to take a nap and I'll get the others to go outside for a breather or on a coffee run or something."

E: "Thanks dad. I'll try." So after our conversation I go into the break room to make a new pot of coffee, and then I stood in the doorway, and just stare at him for a minuet, and I could see how tired he really was.

E: "Jay come lay down in the break room. You need to take a break and a nap."

J: "Erin, I'm okay. I just want to catch him before he gets to you."

What did I tell you? I push myself off of the doorway and walk over to his desk, bent down, and took his face in my hands.

E: "Jay, I know babe, but you need a power nap. It will do you some good, I'm worried about you, he can't get to me in the district, I'm safe here. I'll even lay with you, if it'll make you feel better."

Jay's POV:
I can hear the plea in her voice and it's the only thing that got me up and grab a hold of her hand.

J: "Just for you. I'm sorry I made you worry, I didn't realize how bad it's gotten. Just the thought of him hurting you again, has been eating at me."

E: "Hey look at me, I'm safe with you, the others, and Hank. I'm okay, He can't hurt me with you guys around."

J: :I know baby. I love you so much it felt like I was going crazy without you. I'm just glad I have you back. Let's go take that nap."
So we head into the break room, lay on the couch, and I passed out the second I laid down.

Adam's POV:
I was going into the break room for some coffee, when I saw Jay finally sleeping with his arms wrapped around Erin like she was going to disappear. So what do I do? I take a picture, walked away, and showed everyone else. Hank comes out of his office with a blanket in hand and stops by the break room, he walks in for a second, and then he walks out and stands in front of us.

H: "Alright, I want to know where we're at right now, and then I want you all to take a break. Go for coffee or take a breather outside, but under no circumstances wake up Jay, unless you find a REAL lead and need to follow it."

AR: "Alrighty. I ran a few of the adresses Erin had given us, but nothing showed that he had been there for awhile. I tried seeing if he had a drivers licences, but he hasn't had one in the last few years due to a bunch of DUIs or drug induced reasons. He's been in and out of prison in the last fifteen years."

M: "I tracked his old phone that doesn't seem to be in service to what looks like Bunny's old place and sent a few police cars there, but they turned up empty and decided to steak it out. I told them they had to get the go ahead from you when they called back a few minuets ago."

H: "Yeah they called. I told them only an hour and if no one pulled up to leave. Alright, you guys go for your break, you deserve it, and you made progress."

Erin's POV:
It's been about an hour since we had laid down for Jay's power nap, when my phone started ringing, I decided to ignore it since I didn't want to move and risk waking Jay up. But it just kept ringing and woke him up anyway. So I checked to see who it was and saw it was an unknown number and right away I got a bad feeling, so I moved Jay's arms, and sprinted into the bullpen, and had Mouse start pinging the call.

E: "Hello?"

Erin's step dad: "Hello my beautiful daughter. How's trip back to Chicago?"

Jay followed me behind me and when he got next to me, I started pacing while talking to this man. Jay then grabbed my arm, wrapped his arms around me, and I started to calm down a little bit. Once I saw Mouse give me a thumbs up, that's when I knew he had him traced and got an location.

E: "Let's cut the crap. What do you want?"

Erin's step-dad: "Now, now, is that anyway to speak to your father?"

E: "As far as I'm concerned, you're not my father. I want nothing to do with you."
And he hung up after that and I let out a breathe that I didn't realize I was holding, I just hid my head in Jay's chest.

Hank's POV:
I heard the conversation Erin had and I came out of my office with my gun and badge ready. I yelled let's suit up, Erin looked scared as she saw everyone run downstairs, so I walked over towards her.

H: "Hey, it's all going to be okay."

E: "I'm scared of what he could do to you guys and I know I can't ride with you, but promise me all of you come back. Promise me you'll watch your's and Jay's back, I need him, and I need you dad. I can't lose you both, not again."

H: "You won't lose us kiddo, I promise. You can hang out up here or downstairs with Trudy. Take a nap if you want in my office like you used to do all the time. We'll be back soon.

Erin's POV:
It felt like forever, but was only a couple of hours, when they came back upstairs in one piece. So far no one was hurt, well because my step-dad, knowing Hank, Jay, and the team, but he deserved it. I walked up to dad and that's when I realized, Jay, Kim, and Adam haven't came up yet.

E: "Dad, are guys okay?"

H: "We're fine kiddo. Let's go in my office and talk."

E: "Sure." So we walked into his office, I sat down, he shut the door, and then he sat down on his desk in front of me.

H: "Try to remain calm, but Jay was shot while chasing him. Kim and Adam are at the hospital with him now, he's fine it was just a shoulder graze. He's awake and asking for you, so I'm going to have Kevin handle the paper work for his arrest, so I can take you there."

E: "So he's going to be ok?"

H: "He's going to be just fine."

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