Chapter 10:

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Hank's POV:
So I know something the team doesn't know. I just found out that Crowley is putting Hailey back in our unit. And I'm not sure how anyone is going to take it. Luckily, she won't be joining the team for another couple of months, so they'll have time to get used to the idea, well hopefully.

Erin's POV:
I've been feeling sick these past few weeks, so I finally went to the store and picked up a few pregnancy tests, because I want to be sure, I need to be sure. So, I went home, took them, and sure enough, positive. I'm excited and scared of how Jay will react. We talked about kids before, but now, I don't know if he still wants them. I'm just going to show him the tests and then schedule an ultrasound.

E: "JAY! Can you come here, please?"

J: "I'll be right there!" I hear him running up the stairs to our bathroom that's connected to our bedroom.

E: "Hey, look at this." And I handed him the test and I can see the shock appear and then excitement a few seconds later.

J: "Are you serious? Are you sure?"

E: "I'm sure, Jay. I took like five, once the first one said positive. We're having a baby!"

J: "I'm so excited! I can't believe this! I love you so much!"

E: "I love you! I need to schedule an ultrasound to see how far along I am."

J: "Okay baby. I can call Will and see if Natalie can fit us in today, if you want?"

E: "Sounds good to me, and while you do that, I can get ready for work."

J :"Of course love."

Jay's POV:
I'm so happy and excited! I've always wanted a family with Erin.

Phone conversation:

J: "Hey Will, you got a second?"

W: "I do. What's going on?"

J:"I need a favor from Natalie. Does she have an opening for an ultrasound today?"

W: "She might. Hold on I can ask her."

J: "Thanks man."

W: "She does. Here I'll let you talk to her."

J: "Thank you."

N: "Hey Jay. I just need to know what time, what it's for, and who it's for."

J: "Of course. Hey, babe. What time?"
E: "Around three maybe?"

J: "You have anything around three?"

N: "Let me check. I do. Okay so an ultrasound at three and what's it for?"

J: "To see how far along Erin is."

N: "Congratulations! I have you guys down at three. I'll see you then."

J: "Great! Thank you so much Natalie! We'll see you at three."

I walked back to the room and saw Erin looking at herself in the mirror, looking confused. But when I got closer, I saw why. She was starting to show a little bit.

J: "Hey babe. We are a go at three with the ultrasound with Natalie. What's wrong?"

E: "I'm starting to show, but I don't understand. I just started having symptoms, and it already looks like I'm 2 or so months along."

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