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Tension hung heavy in the air as the scientists grew increasingly anxious over the disappearance of their prized specimen—Taehyung.

However, their frustration paled is nothing compare to the seething anger of Director Park Seung-ho.

Day after day, he send off numerous men in a relentless search for Taehyung's whereabouts, only to be met with failure time and time again.

Seung-ho's fury unleashed beyond not only on the search teams but also to the other specimens under their care, as he pours out his anger without restraint.

As a result of Taehyung's disappearance, He turns to forcing the scientists to replicate the experiments and procedures they had conducted on HIM.

Despite their pleas and protests, their words fell on deaf ears as he dismissed their concerns.

In the midst of this turmoil, Prof. Choi  cautiously entered the director's office with grave news.

"Mr. Park I'm sorry to inform you that  two of the specimens have give in to the harsh effects of the medications we  conduct. Their bodies simply couldn't endure the strain."


With a furious outburst, Seung-ho slammed his hand on the table, his frustration and anger boiling over. 

The forceful impact reverberated through the room, a tangible display of his mounting anger and disappointment.

With the desperate need to create another specimen like Taehyung, the scientists forced to unwillingly start off their experiments on subjects who were already in their twenties. 

Despite the ideal age for the process being during their teenage years when their bodies were still developing. 

But now even with the risks, they were forced to accept medications and injections faced devastating outcomes, resulting in the unfortunate deaths of two individuals.

Seung-ho's voice reverberated through the room, his frustration evident.

"Are there any remaining specimens under the age of seventeen?"

Prof. Choi handed him a file containing the information of all the human specimens.

"There are two remaining. One is fourteen years old, and the other is fifteen."

Seung-ho swiftly examined the information of the two potential human specimens presented to him.

"Hmm...Use them." he commanded, his voice resolute. "Runs the same treatment we used on HIM."

"B-but, Mr. Park." Prof. Choi hesitated,

"their physiological conditions may differ from HIM. It is crucial that we conduct a thorough health assessment before determining the appropriate dosage. Without such precautions..."

"Just give it to them!" Seung-ho interrupted, his impatience seething through his words. 

"Just do it! How different can a teenage boy's body be? Besides, their blood types might be the only variation. Everything else should be the same! Now, get to work!" He angrily tossed the file onto the floor.

Prof. Choi stooped down to collect the scattered papers and swiftly left the room.



Yoon-gi leans his head on his knuckles, observing the person in front of him as he replies to a message wearing a smile that betrayed his lovesick state or should he say 'A Lovesick Smile.'

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