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After the confession night, Jungkook and Taehyung find themselves growing closer, their admiration for each other palpable. However, they both hesitate to express their true feelings, fearing that it might jeopardize the special bond they share.

Jungkook, in particular, fears that Taehyung saw him merely as a protective brother figure and he cherishes the sense of security he feels around him. 

He dreads the idea of confessing and potentially pushing Taehyung away.

Meanwhile, Taehyung wrestles with his own insecurities, believing himself unworthy of Jungkook's love and affection. He recognizes his kindness and the way he provides for him, going above and beyond what anyone else would. 

Taehyung feels indebted to him and finds it difficult to ask for more. In their hearts, the unspoken affection between them grew, silently yearning to be acknowledged.

Despite their efforts to suppress their emotions, their eyes and expressions betray the deep love they hold for each other. It's evident in the way they look at each other—a gaze filled with tenderness and affection these shared moments speak volumes.

The love they hold for each other transcends words, but they both yearn for the day when they can finally express their true feelings. Until then, they continue with their daily lives as usual.

Taehyung throws himself into his studies, determined to excel. He is on the verge of completing the first-year lessons and once he passes the examination, Jackson will guide him through the second-year lessons.

Meanwhile, Jungkook remains as diligent as ever, working tirelessly always putting in extra hours. However, he remains true to his promise to Taehyung—they share dinner together every evening, without fail. 

Jungkook's gaze towards Taehyung never wavers, always accompanied by a softened and gentle expression that speaks volumes of his feelings. 

Little did Taehyung know, Jungkook had already deployed his team to gather information about the Zen Organization. However, despite their relentless efforts, they face significant challenges in obtaining substantial evidence.

The organization prove adept at concealing their illicit activities, and their connections reached high-ranking officials, including politicians. Solid proof is needed for taking them down and to  bring them to justice.

Nonetheless, this posed no significant obstacle for someone like Jungkook. His determination knew no bounds, and he possessed the resources to achieve whatever he set his mind to.

Once individuals found themselves on his blacklist, they would soon find themselves preparing for their downfall. If obtaining information through covert means proved fruitless.

Jungkook would take a different approach—he would confront them directly. Sometimes, direct confrontation proved more effective and superior than a stealthy attack.

Meanwhile, inside the grandest conference room of Jeon Group, the CEO and one of the directors had been locked in a meeting for the past two hours. 

Their discussion revolved around how to strike a deal with the Zen Organization.  

The atmosphere was tense as they deliberated the terms and conditions, weighing the potential gains against the risks involved. Indeed an endeavor of great significance.

Yoon-gi voiced his concerns, "Won't it raise suspicion if we suddenly express interest in buying their shares? We've never pursued deals in the medical industry before, so they might question our motives."

Jungkook calmly continued flipping through the documents, replied,  

"They won't have the luxury to dwell on suspicions. Money is what they need the most right now. By offering them financial support and purchasing their shares, they'll be too preoccupied with their own desperation to question us. Their priority will be to secure the financial support."

𝗙𝗿𝗼𝗺 𝗙𝘂𝗰𝗸𝗯𝗼𝘆 𝗧𝗼 𝗗𝗼𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗛𝘂𝘀𝗯𝗮𝗻𝗱Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ