one - suzie, do you copy?

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Friday, June 28, 1985

"I can't believe she ditched us just to see a movie with Alex," you complain for the third time in the last minute.

Kazuo hums, uninterested. You are laying on the roof outside your window, and music is playing in your room. It's a hot summer day, but the leaves of your tree have grown and provide you with a comfortable shadow. Everything is peaceful and relaxing, yet there you are whining about Mona again.

"We barely see her anymore."

And it was true. In the last few months, she has gotten closer to Alex, understandably so. But, as her boyfriend, some of the privileges you had passed on to him. Like holding Mona's hand to guide her in the corridors in the morning, when she was tired. Or simply being the first person she would think of when she wanted to hang out. And it was never just the two of you anymore. Alex was always around. Kazuo too, but he didn't really matter in the picture.

But Alex was a nice guy. He always made sure everyone was okay, and even though he didn't always understand what you joked about, he supported you in your mischief. What more could you ask?

Now, the person you spent most of your time with was Kazuo. And maybe he had taken Mona's place as your best friend. You could actually talk to him about everything; your crush on Mona, your confusion, your fears. And he also told you all his secrets.

Yes, Kazuo was now your best friend.

"Maybe you should actually tell her you'd like to spend more time with her," he tries.

"What? No! I don't want to separate her from Alex."

"That's contradictory. And I told you to stop biting your nails when you're nervous! You're gonna have ugly hands."

"I don't care. I'm just trying to be a good person."

"It's a bit late for that, no? You stole all of Steve's hairspray to put your hair in a crest yesterday."

"I rocked that look," you shrug, "and Steve doesn't know yet."

"Maybe I should pay him a visit at Scoops Ahoy. Tell him about your little makeover."

"That's not fair. I'm not even allowed in Scoops Ahoy. He doesn't want me to see him in that ridiculous uniform."

"It's not like you go to Starcourt often anyway."

"Yeah, you've got a point," you nod. The new mall was big and full of cool things. You had visited a few times, and the cinema was pretty cool, but that was it. You were too lazy to go back.

Suddenly the music stops, making you both turn towards your room. The HiFi was off.

"Power outage?" You wonder out loud, walking back inside your room to try and switch on the lights. It doesn't work. "Power outage. That sucks."

But soon the HiFi turns back on, and so do the lights. It didn't last long.

"Hey," Kazuo sticks his head by the window, eyes sparkling. "Wanna go rollerblading?"

You sigh, looking at the comfortable spot you were just in. "Tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow then. Promise."

"I promise," you say, knowing you would end up regretting it.


Saturday, June 29, 1985

"I am rethinking all my life decisions," you say as you lazily roll around as Kazuo speeds down the road ahead of you. He had been doing this for the last two hours, showing his incredible skills proudly, while you merely managed to cover a short distance before crashing. It wasn't as much fun for him as it was for you.

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