four - the vents

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Monday, July 1, 1985

It was pouring outside. Bad news, because you just happened to be there: outside on the roof of Starcourt Mall, at a quarter to nine, spying on the storehouses of the Lynx Transportation delivery. Luckily, Steve had told you to grab a coat before he drove you both here this morning, and you had something to cover your head. But the rain fell hard, and you were simply drenched.

Dustin, Robin and Steve were here to keep you company.

"Look for Imperial Panda and Kaufman shoes," Robin says to Dustin, who was manipulating the binoculars.

"They're with that whistling guy over there, ten o'clock," he points to a guy in a yellow raincoat pushing a trolley full of boxes, on which probably were marked the names on the Chinese restaurant and shoe shop.

A trip to China sounds nice if you tread lightly.

"What do you think's in there?" Steve questions, yelling over the sound of the downfall.

"Guns? Bombs?" Dustin suggests.

"Chemical weapons?" Robin adds.

"Body parts."

A lighting bolt illuminates your solemn face. They all take a second to look at you worriedly before going back to spying.

"Whatever's it is, they're armed to the teeth," Dustin points out.

"Great," Steve sighs. "That's great."

You keep watching as they open the doors to the storehouse.

"Hey, what's in there?" Robin asks Dustin.

"It's just more boxes."

Shelves full of boxes that didn't look that suspicious, except for the fact that, as Dustin had noted, they were guarded by armed Russian men.

"Let me check it out," Steve tries to takes the binoculars from Dustin, but they end up fighting over them.

"No, I'm still looking."

"Lemme see it."

"Hang on!"

Steve drops the binoculars on the rim of the building, which makes a loud metallic sound. Dustin tells you to duck, and so you do, hiding from the gazes of the armed men below. You don't comment on the fact Robin and Steve held hands in the panic, instead silently retracting the arm you had thrown over Dustin.

"You think they saw us?" The younger boy asks you.

You hear yelling in Russian from the people you were previously spying on.

"That answers your question?" You pull him away from the rim so that they wouldn't see you from below, before you can fully stand up, and motion Steve and Robin to do the same. "We should get the fuck out of here."

"Agreed," Steve says, and you all rush for the stairs. You fortunately encounter no evil armed guy on your way down. As you walk through the staff corridors, Robin only finds one thing to say.

"Well, I think we found your Russians."


Tuesday, July 2, 1985

Kazuo was standing next to his car in your alleyway, scratching the back of his head and wondering whether you would answer the door if he rang the bell. You had spent almost all your days with him since summer break started, and now you had disappeared on him. On Sunday, he had phoned your house to ask if you wanted to hang out, but nobody was home. On Monday, yesterday, he tried again. No answer. Today he wondered if something was wrong and decided to visit, but he had this strange feeling the house was empty.

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