sixteen - the return of the king (chief of the police of Hawkins)

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Thursday, July 4, 1985

"The movies? (Y/n) and Dustin are so freaked out about the gate they decide to go watch a movie? Yeah, makes total sense," Lucas rolls his eyes.

They had not heard much of your transmission. You were with Dustin, there was a gate involved, and maybe, maybe, something about Russians. And you were at the movies.

It wasn't sure where exactly, as you had been cut out almost immediately, so Eleven paid a little visit to the Void and identified Starcourt Mall. Thus they were on their way to the car, carrying all the fireworks Lucas and Will had found in case it could be useful, so that Nancy could drive to the mall.

"You're positive she said 'gate' and not 'great'?" Max turns to Mike.

"Yeah, like, 'that movie I'm watching is great'," Will theorizes.

"Sounded like 'gate'," Eleven shakes her head.

"Which would explain why the Mind Flayer's still alive," Mike says.

"Yeah, we just have to shut it again," Nancy agrees.

"Then the monster dies," Will nods.

"But if not, we always have Lucas' fireworks," Max grunts as they lift the shopping cart they were transporting the gears in to pass the door they had broken in by.

"Keep mocking my plan, Max. Keep mocking it. I wanna hear you say it again, because you keep doubting me. You keep doubting me."

"Ridiculous," Max rolls her eyes.

"Will? We're gonna prove 'em wrong, right?"

"Uh... Yeah."

"Oh my god," Lucas sighs. "Have some faith in me!"

"I have faith in you," Kazuo pats his shoulder as they charge the fireworks into the car.

"Thank you," Lucas smiles happily.

"If you have the fireworks then can I keep the axe?"

"I hate all of you."


"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god," Dustin whispers in a somehow still high-pitched tone as you look around the area, not seeing any suspicious Lynx delivery men nor drunk sailors.

"Can you tell Dustin to calm down," Erica, who was on your other side, clicks her tongue in annoyance.

"Dustin, shut the fuck up," you groan, still slightly angry at them for not watching Steve and Robin like you asked them to.

"I'm freaking out!"

"Yeah, well, me too, and you're not helping."

Your eyes roam the place once again, wondering where you would go if you had been drugged by evil Russians. You would probably have thrown up the whole thing, though there wasn't much left in your stomach. Well, you needed a pee anyway.

"Let's go check the toilet," you propose but don't let them choose as you walk towards the neon restroom sign, trying to act natural.

As you enter the corridor leading to the toilet, you hear a loud laughter come out of the men's room and share a relieved glance with Erica while Dustin bursts into the room. You find Steve and Robin, sitting on the floor in one of the stalls, and they turn to you with huge grins.

"Okay," Dustin huffs, "what the hell?"

And they burst out laughing.

"Great," you sigh. "I thought they would be sober by now."

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