fifteen - cinema date with the kids

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Thursday, July 4, 1985

"All clear," Dustin says after peeking into the room. You enter the cinema, still holding onto Robin and Steve like a mother scared her children would run away and get kidnapped by strangers. And they would.

You didn't know where Dustin was leading you this whole time, but you thought you had an idea of his plan now. You needed to hide from the Russians until one of you had a better idea, and a movie theater filled with people was a great way to camouflage, despite Steve and Robin's ridiculous sailor uniform.

You sneak in, following Dustin and Erica in the carpeted corridor, and let out a quiet gasp as you feel your arm being yanked by your brother, who had stopped to pull some half-empty popcorn box out of a trashcan.

"No, what the fuck, Steve! That's disgusting," you whispers-yell, but sigh as he gives you puppy eyes. "Whatever. You'll regret this when you sober up."

He gives you the biggest grin, and Robin, who was tugging at your other arm, lets out a delighted shriek.

"Quiet!" You bring a finger to your lips. They copy your gesture, giggling.

"(Y/n), guys, what are you doing?" Dustin, who had walked into the theater, motions you to hurry.

"It's not that easy," you pull the two behind you before they can grab anything else from the trashcan.

"What did I tell you? Eighty-eight miles per hour!" The old, mad-scientist-looking guy on the screen yells in pure joy as you enter the movie room.

"Come on," Dustin says, and Erica helps you out by grabbing Robin's arm to guide her. There are no rows of free seats for you all to fit in, only sets of two on each side of the room. "You two, sit," Dustin orders, pushing Robin in the first seat.

"No, no, no! These seats are too close!" The girl protests, but stays still after you give her a warning look. "Sorry mommy."

"Dude, these seats blow," Steve whines, popping popcorn into his mouth.

"Then don't watch the movie," Dustin sighs.

"We wanna watch it," Robin shakes her head.

"Then watch it!"

"Shh!" A man in the second row leans over, exasperated.

"Shh!" Robin retaliates, smacking a finger on his lips, which leaves him quite flabbergasted.

"Sorry," you apologize before turning back to your two problems. "Now kids, whatever you do..."

"Don't go anywhere," Dustin completes.

"Fine, Dads," Steve rolls his eyes, making Robin snort.

"I am not our dad!" You point to him accusingly before walking to the other side of the room with Dustin and Erica. They settle into their seats as the movie keeps playing in the background.

"The appropriate question is 'when the hell are they?' You see, Einstein has just become the world's first time traveler! I sent him... into the future!"

"Okay, it's official," Dustin says as you sit in the stairs next to them. "I'm never having kids."

"I think you'd make a great dad," you ponder, watching the mad scientist get even madder on the screen with a pensive frown.


"What are we doing here?" Erica finally asks, tired of your mindless chit-chatting.

"We're laying low," Dustin explains. "Cooling off. Like Oswald."

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