nine - punk tactics

429 24 26

Wednesday, July 3, 1985

"I swear to God, Steve, I don't know what happened to your hairspray," you shake your head.

Your brother was not too happy you accidentally mentioned his Farah Fawcett hairspray, but when Dustin told you the story of the time his friends tried to surprise him and he got so scared he sprayed a whole lot of the product in Lucas' eyes, you couldn't help but mention Steve and the Snow Ball form last year. In retaliation, he had started accusing you of stealing his last spray, something you absolutely did but weren't ready to admit.

"Yeah, sure. Says the one who ran around the house with a punk crest the other day."

"I thought you were at work that day!"

"Well, I got off earlier. Admit it! You stole my Farah Fawcett hairspray for that crappy hairstyle!"

"I did not! And my crest was not crappy! It was magnificent."

"I bet it was," Dustin lets out an impressed chuckle. "I would have loved to see that."

"Give me one Farah Fawcett hairspray and I'll do it again," you whisper so that Steve does not hear your scheming. Dustin gives you a knowing smile and a nod, and you shake hands to seal the deal.

"I heard that," Robin informs you in a low voice, and you turn around with horrified eyes. "But I won't tell. Your secret is safe with me."

Before you have time to answer, Steve abruptly stops, causing Erica to bump into him and instantly start cursing.

"Shut up!" He orders, and it surprisingly works. "You guys hear that?"

"Oh, crap," you murmur as the sound of people talking comes to your ears. It was something to expect, considering you had finally, almost reached the end of the tunnel. You had crossed some perpendicular corridors, but they didn't seem to lead anywhere; surely the important room was the furthest down the endless conduct, and people were bound to be working in it.

But the sound was not coming from the end of the tunnel. It was coming from behind you.

"This way!" Robin whispers-yells in panic, grabbing your wrist and dragging you into a corridor and behind a metallic cupboard. You grab Erica's arm to pull her with you, and Steve takes care of Dustin. Luckily, there is enough space in your improvised hiding spot, but you're still pressed against each other. Erica hugs your waist to make some space and seek comfort, and you wrap your arms around her reassuringly as you hold your breath.

One of the red electric trolleys the Russians use passes you, your presence going unnoticed by its chatting drivers. They were relaxed, focused on whatever work they were doing here and unaware that a group of curious teenagers had invaded their secret base. You had the advantage of surprise.

Two men walk by the cupboard, one of them whistling. Really relaxed, they were. Great contrast to the stress you were under at that very moment, your fingers digging into Erica's shoulders as they approached and letting out a relieved sigh as they left.

"Okay, clear," Steve finally says, signaling to you that you could get out. "Clear, come on, let's go."

"Okay, that was close," Robin comments as you sneakily walk in a line behind your brother.

"Too close," Dustin adds.

"Yeah, it's busy down there," you nod.

"Relax," Steve says. "All right? Relax. Nobody saw-"

As he turns the corner, he stops, and you don't have to look twice to understand why.

The room before you was huge compared to the tiny tunnel you had just been in, but most importantly it was filled with Russians. There were a few of these tiny red cars, many armed, military-looking men, and some scientists in white blouses. A balcony overlooked the whole place, which consisted of two floors. A speaker was diffusing a message in Russian and the room was filled with chatting. You felt like you had entered the intimacy of a bees nest. And you were as small as ants in this labyrinth.

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