two - translation

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Sunday, June 30, 1985

After Dustin blesses you with an organized presentation of all the arguments explaining why Suzie could not possibly be cheating on him, you decide it's time to go home. You'll see what you want to do with what you recorded tomorrow.

You climb onto bed and wrap yourself in your blanket with a sigh of content, immediately drifting off to sleep. The morning comes soon, and you are woken up by the repetitive sound of the doorbell.

"What are you doing here?" You say as you open the door for Dustin, who doesn't lose any second to ask if he could come in and pushes you to the side to enter.

"We've got business to do," he explains, perfectly comfortable taking a seat at the kitchen table. "Where's Steve, by the way?"

"At Starcourt," you pour cereal and milk in a bowl and sit in front of him. "He works at Scoops Ahoy, remember?"

"Right," Dustin nods. "Well, let's get going."


"We're going to Scoops Ahoy. I haven't seen Steve in forever, and maybe he can help us translate the message."

"Pause, pause. You wanna ask my brother for help on translating Russian?"

"Yeah?" He raises an eyebrow, and you look at each other for a long time. You blink.

"Okay. At least give me ten minutes to get ready."

"Five minutes," he tries. You glare at him.

"Non-negotiable, Henderson. Oh, hey, what happened here," you narrow your eyes, noticing all the fridge magnets were on the floor.

"Maybe someone slammed the door too hard," Dustin shrugs. "It doesn't matter now! Hurry, the world needs saving!"

"The world needs saving," you roll your eyes, climbing up the stairs to your room. "When doesn't it."




"I'm Dustin."

"I'm... Robin," the pretty blue-eyed girl dressed as an ice cream vendor sailor answers. Scoops Ahoy was high in color, and this also applied to the uniforms. You couldn't wait to see Steve in one of these, if he dared to show himself. He was out of sight at the moment.

"(Y/n)," you wave. She nods at you with a faint smile.

"Pleasure to meet you," Dustin says, polite as ever. "Uh, is he- is he here?"

"Is who here?"

"My nemesis," you joke just as the back door behind the counter slams open, and Steve emerges, wearing the sailor outfit.

"Henderson!" He exclaimed as Dustin laughs. "Henderson! He's back! He's back!"

"I'm back!"

"And I'm here too," you mumble, shrugging. Robin snorts.

"You got the job!" Dustin beams.

"I got the job!" Steve imitates a victorious trumpet before they share their secret handshake, consisting in a fist bump followed by a fake light saber fight. At some point, Steve dies, and they end up laughing like the two idiots they are and sighing in contentment.

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