Chapter 3: Strange cousins

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Nigel: You ?!

Mr Thompson: Did you know each other?

DCFDTL: Of course, teacher person. We are family. (they turned to the other children) Good morning, classmates. We introduce ourselves, the Delightful Children From Down The Lane, the new cousins of Nigel Uno.

Mr Thompson: Alright, Delightful Children. You can go and choose your seat.

Wallabee (whispering): And me telling myself that Nigel's cousins were weird when he described them but not at this point.

Hoagie (idem): I admit that it surprises me, indeed.

Kuki (idem): At least, you have to give them this: They are well dressed.

Abigail (idem): Yeah, but Numbuh 5 still finds that these five are hiding something. Nigel, I think you should find out more about them and send some more info about them for the KND

Nigel (ditto): If you say so ...

(After class, the students went to the playground)

Abigail: And your "cousins", Nigel, where did they go?

Nigel: They said they had something to do in the canteen and it wouldn't take too long.

Wallabee: I don't know about you but I feel they are not sharp at all, your cousins.

Hoagie: there are some weird things coming from them but how can you be sure they are not clear?

Wallabee: On a lot of things. Starting with their more than strange behavior and voice.

Kuki: Oh, come on. It's not like they're gonna hurt anyone, right?

Abigail: But anyway, we need to have some more info on them to make sure they're not a possible danger. (a noise is heard) Mmm ?!

Hoagie (hearing the noise): Did you hear that?!

Abigail (listening to the noise again): It comes from the canteen, let's hurry!

(They rushed to the canteen and saw two children fighting)

Abigail: Hey ho, you two, let's calm down! What is happening ?!

Boy: This girl wanted to humiliate me after I got to the playground

Girl: What? And you, you intended to shame me in front of everyone.

Hoagie: First, calm down and tell us who told you all this.

Girl and boy: They told me so!

Kuki: Them?

Boy: Yes, they are there, on ... (they saw that there is no one) But they were there! We're not crazy!

Girl: We swear, there were other people in the canteen before you arrived.

Wallabee: Just like that, were these people five kids glued together and dressed like rich kids ?!

Girl: Yeah, they were there in the canteen when they talked to me and when he arrived before our argument.

Nigel: The Delightful Children ... Look, I have to talk to them, they can't be far. (he left the canteen)

Hoagie: Nigel, wait ... (but Nigel was already far away)

Abigail: Okay, guys, let's take care of them while we wait for Nigel.

(Nigel did a long search and after a while he saw a butler between 40 and 50 who closed one of the doors of a limousine)

Nigel: Wait, sir!

???: What can I do for you, young boy ?!

Nigel: I'm looking for the Delightful Children From Down The Lane. I have something to tell them.

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