Andreá's background

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Andreá Kingsley is and immortal being yet not even close to being dead.Her heart beats as if she's a normal girl,and to the vampires and wolf's she smells like a human.

She loves taking walks in the forest and talking to tge animals as if they could speak back.She is a sucker for romance novels and often sits in a clearing reading all day long.

Not many vampires or immortal beings would know this but Andreá had fought in the civil war,alongside Major Jasper Whitlock as The Mistress of War. Jasper and her were the best team those years had seen! But then he went missing. Andreá was furious, looking left and right yet finding clues whatsoever.

No one to this day knows what happened to him or where he went... Some people say he died at war and others said he was captured and tortured, and they are exactly right! Jasper had been captured and went through excruciating pain for a few day that was until his heart had stopped beating.

Not too long after he was turned Jasper was found by Alice whom he was mated to...or so he thought!

Andreá still searching for Jasper had stumbled upon a experimental research project, researching whether or not they can make immortal beings, what she found shocked her. Immortal beings?! Whoever wrote this must've been crazy or they were onto something.

Andreá being the curious person she was, decided to get a look closer not knowing that there was someone right behind her with a syringe filled with the experiments outcome.

When she woke up she was in a strange facility. She knew where she was, it was the facility Jasper was last seen!

Men in white cloaks came in and started their game. What was the game you might ask, well the name of the game was how long until she passes out! Andreá had been experimented on and cut up those people were merciless! Soon after putting up a great fight she had passed out...

What happens when she finds out she had been living for 100 years? And she hasn't died yet...

Breaking free from the chains, she wonders around the room. Ironically the door was unlocked, giving her a chance to make a run for it. The men in white cloaks watched as she ran out, finally finished with their sick games.

Finding herself on a plane to to Forks Washington she sat thinking or at least trying to think about what has happened to her. Only now noticing how she hasn't aged a day from when she found that experiment!

Landing in Forks she made a run for it. Out into the woods she had found a clearing.Sitting down, finally letting her body relax after so many years.She walked a bit further into the woods finding an abandoned cottage in pristine shape, knocking on the door she entered finding it completely empty. As she walks further into the house she notices pile on piles of money!

Knowing what she's about to do is wrong she found herself some clothes and made her way to the shower. After freshening up she took some money and put it into a purse she had found, making her way to Port Angeles on foot.She'd never understand how she had never gotten tired walking so long but at times like this it came in handy.

Walking into the first clothing store, she picked out some clothes she found acceptable and paid for them.And continued doing so until her arms were tired of holding bags. Walking back she had seen a car dealership, yet none of the cars looked the same as 100 years ago! Walking into the dealership she had purchased and beautiful matte black jeep. Gaining this vehicle she had propped the bags on the backseat and drove off to where she had found her new home.

After a few years she had decides to move to Phoenix, Arizona, where she met her best friend Isabella Marie Swan, or Isa as she says. The two were inseparable until Bella did something Andreá could never forgive her for! Moving back to Forks Andreá had tried distracting herself from Phoenix's drama by learning to play the piano.

What happens when the Cullens come to Forks from Denali, and Edward meets Bella...

What happens when a new born army in after Bella and the Wolves and Vampires happen to start their training in Andreá's favourite clearing??

What will Andreá say when she sees Jasper after so long? How will the Major and his Mistress react to meeting each other after such a long time? What will happen when Bella sees Andreá after a few years of them hating each other? What will Andreá say when she sees her ex-bestfriend after the incident in Phoenix?

What will happen when the Cullens find out that Alice is not Jasper's real mate? What happens when they find out that Andreá is and immortal being yet she can still eat and sleep like a normal person? How will everyone react when they find out who Andreá's brothers are? What happens when the Volturi see someone they haven't seen for a long time?

Find out in the next few chapters
Bye bye and hope you guys enjoy it!<3

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