A happy ending

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'Wait is that Isabella...'

"Bella?" Edward's voice rang throughout the now silent house. Wait why is she here, I asked in my thoughts." I can't believe you guys would allow Alice to get killed. And you guys looked almost relieved!" Bella spoke with disbelief. She was shocked that the family she once knew, would allow one of their own to be killed in their home. And then they still looked relieved about it." The only reason we looked relieved was because Alice was starting to act like a bitch toward Andreá and she lied about being Jasper's mate!" Rose had spoken up shocking me as I knew she hated Bella's guts... so did I but that's not the point." She was my friend! How could you?" Bella shouted at us.

I don't know what snapped within me or why but I shouted," And you were mine!" right back at her. She looked shocked but then the shock was replaced with a smirk of sorts. "I was never your friend Andreá, I used you to get closer to Darrell! He was apart of my little plan all along. We cane up with the idea to break you so bad that you would leave town and we would be the most popular again!" I was shocked to say the least, how could she. She acted all nice and friendly, just to get me to leave town? I think Jasper picked up on my emotions as he was rubbing my back soothingly, and I felt waves of calm flow over my entire body." Thanks, Jas." I managed to mutter out. Upon hearing how broken I sounded, Rose, Em and surprisingly Edward lunged for Bella. I could only stand and watch with a calm demeanor surrounding me as they tried to hurt her but not kill her. My brothers came up to me and asked me what I want done to Bella. I couldn't move let alone speak, so I just stared at them, tears threatening to fall. I allowed Edward to read mind. I'm going to La Push, tell no one to follow me, nor even Jasper. I spoke to a bewildered Edward through my mind. With that I took off running. Through the dense woods. I came across a small river separating the Tribe's side of Forks and the Cullen's side of Forks. Without a second thought I pulled my dress up and made my way to the other side carefully.

Edward must've already told the rest of the Cullens not to follow me because I can't hear anyone besides the birds, which are chirping in a song like way. The Wolves must've sensed me because just as I stepped foot on the other side of the river, I was surrounded by them. I put my arms up showing them that I mean no harm. The all took a second before they trotted into the dense line of trees and came back as fully clothed humans, well almost fully clothed. The pack leader, Sam Uley asked me what I was doing here. And I answered him with a simple," I need some time alone, away from the Cullens and Bella" He seemed to understand so he offered me to come into his home. I refused politely saying that I'd prefer being in the woods alone right now. And with that the took off disappearing into the forest ahead. I felt the pull toward Seth and Leah again. I need to speak to them about it, I can't keep ignoring it! I thought to myself.

Laying on the forest floor, I took in my surroundings. The trees were tall and thick. They had the most beautiful green colour and I could've sworn they had a shine to them as well. They must be thriving with all the rain Forks gets. I noticed hiw the forest had stilled as soon as I was alone. Creating a more peaceful environment around me. After a while of my thoughts racing, I drifted into a deep sleep. Right there on the forest floor. I know you must be wondering 'Andreá isn't it cold?' Well no not really. Today was one of the hottest days recorded in Forks and it was still a bit hot right now. Even though it might be past midnight, the air in the surrounding area was warn and cozy, inviting me in to sleep. Even though I had fallen asleep my dreams haunted me with my past thoughts. Everything is becoming too mysch for me to handle. I don't think I  was cut out for this life. Being a mate to a vampire, who you've been searching for your entire career life. Having a family after so so long. Don't get me wrong I love the Cullens but u don't love the drama that they involve themselves in. I just want some time away from everyone with the exception of Jasper, being away from him for a few months pains me just thinking of it! I wonder what they are doing right now and what happened to Bella and Alice? I hope they aren't thinking they've won this battle cause if they win this then being alive for 100+ years has been a waste of my life.

I hope Jasper isn't stressing, I wouldn't want him to think I was dead.

'I just need space...'

Hey guys, I know this chapter is shorter than usual and I took long to come out but I just want you guys to bare with me for these few weeks. Thanks you all.
Bye bye bunnies<333

932 words

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