Bella being Bella...

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'This couldn't get any better, could it...'

Well... biology was interesting, Bella had come in late so the teacher told me to take her seat. When she came in we locked eyes and she was furious, I gave her a confused look not knowing why she was angry. Edward looked between us and said," This is her seat." I looked at him trying to figure out if he was lying or not. His eyes held nothing but amusement and fake sympathy. With a scowl on my face I pointed to the seat right next to Mike Newton, also the only open seat left. She stomped her way past us, if you listened closely you could hear that she was cursing at me for sitting next to her boyfriend?" Ex- boyfriend." Edward said seemingly pissed at Bella. I wouldn't be surprised if she had done something to either seduce him or convince him into getting back together with her. And as if on que Edward spoke up," She tried to seduce me, it was torture and almost embarrassing to watch."


Bella walked through the woods knowing Edward would be trying to clear his mind. They both had English right now. But neither cared, one wanting nothing more than to sink his fangs onto a mountain lion, the other wanting her ex- boyfriend to rail her. Edward heard footsteps that sounded all to familiar." What fo you want Bella?" Edward said turning around. Only to be faced with a very nªked Bella. She had nothing on... except her socks? Who seduces someone with their socks on? Edward was too confused to notice that Bella had been stalking up to him with a revolting smile on her pale face. Noticing the movement infront of him he backed up and regained his focus." I'm here for you Edward. I want you, no, I need you." She said feeling all on his abs and chest. Edward who now had a complete look of disgust and sheer shock, stared at Bella who was now dancing in 'seductive' ways. Edward knew her plan, ever since Andreá had shown up he was able to read Bella's mind. And he almost wished he couldn't again, her thoughts were vile images of him and her doing the devil's tango. Edward now feeling embarrassed on Bella's behalf started walking away leaving an angry Bella in the woods nªked.

*Flashback finished*

After hearing this story i had let out a few loud giggles causing everyone to look at me. I just kept my head down, silently cussing Edward out knowing that he can hear me perfectly well. Just then the bell for third period had rang, meaning I had music with Edward and Jasper ! Edward and I walked to music, spotting Jas immediately. We took our seats once my slip was signed and the rest was a blur. That is until the bell for lunch rang. I got up walking out of the classroom with Edward and Jasper on both my sides. We walked through the doors and the whispers started. This is getting really tiring I thought to myself, Edward giving me a nod in agreement. The rest of the Cullen kids were already sitting at the table with their untouched lunch trays. Edward and Jasper just sat down not wanting to deal with the atrocious food.

I was about to sit down next to Rose and Em, when Jasper pulled me down on his lap. Blushing hard I took my lunch out and started eating. I almost chocked on my apple when Jasper started rubbing my thigh, like in history. Looking up I noticed that the others were staring at us with sly smirks plastered on their faces. 'They knew he was going to do this!' Once again going back to my food I zoned out thinking about nothing but my relationship with Jasper and where life will take us. The bell snapped me out of my trance and I got up throwing my dirt in the bin then walking with Jasper to Math. For some reason the rest of the day was a blur, I only remember having gym, English and a free period after that.

Hoping into the car with the others, we sped home. Walking in everyone heard sobs coming from the kitchen. When we walked in we saw Alice on the floor dry sobbing with Carkise and Esme staring at her. There were three very familiar figures standing infront of them. The figures turned around. The Volturi aka my soul- brothers. I ran up to Aro hugging him as tight as I possibly could. Next I went up to Marcus and gave him an even bigger hug. Knowing Caius doesn't like hugs I stood on my tippy toes to give him a kiss on his cheek." How are you guys, I haven't seen you in 59 years. Why are you here? Not that I don't wanna see you, it's just I didn't know that you guys knew the Cullens." I started my rant, only stopping when Jasper put his hand on my shoulder.

" Well sister, we found out what Alice had said to you and couldn't possibly stand her still roaming around unpunished. So when Demitri told us that she was back at home, we took the first flight out of Italy and ran to this house. We've decided that she can either serve us for the rest of her life, or she can be executed, as her gift is also useful if we have only her head." Aro spoke up with a mischievous grin on his face. " She chose the first option, so she'll be apart of the guard for the rest of her life!" Caius said almost upset." But vampires are immortal?" I said receiving a grin from surprisingly Marcus. " Exactly sister!" Oh they are evil! Edward looked at me probably agreeing to my thought. I swear I just heard footsteps in the kitchen, it's probably nothing. I thought turning around.

"Wait is that Isabella..?"

Hey guys sorry I didn't post this. I'm in a really bad space rn and Idk what to do but I hope you enjoy this! I hope you guys are doing well and are taking care of yourselves!
Bye bye bunnies<33

1046 words

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