Karma's A Bitch

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"Bella had..."

"Slept with my boyfriend and after confronting them and cutting all ties with them, I found out that they had started dating. Nit only had she broken my trust but she still decided to taunt me by dating him!"I said tears threatened to spill from my eyes.

"What does this have to do with me? I'm sure they broke up after she left Phoenix." Edward spoke confused as to why he is involved. Looking Bella in the eye, I spoke up," They are still dating, I found out by her mom a few days ago!" Edward looked like his entire world feel apart right there. I could understand how he felt, I felt like that the day I found out." You're cheating on me?" He spoke, his voice laced with anger and sadness." No! I'm not cheating on you Edward, Darrell and I broke up 2 days ago!" She shouted out." Two day ago! Bella we've been together for more that 5 months! And you've been dating someone else, hoe could you?" I was shocked to hear that Bella had been dating someone for so long." Edward, please don't listen to her she always lies!" She said making me scoff." I'd watch what you say about my mate, Isabella." Major spoke confusing me a bit." Mate?" The confusion evident in my voice." I'll tell you later ma'am." He spoke with his amazing accent; I could get used to this voice! " Mate?! She can't be your mate!" Bella screamed, although confused on the mate topic I spoke up." If I am his mate, whatever that means, and he is fine with referring to me and his mate then you have NO say in this situation!" Edward decided to talk once again, " Bella we're over! I can believe you've been trying with me this entire time, I thought you loved me but I guess not!" I kinda feel bad doing this to him but it would have caused him much more pain finding it out later rather than sooner.

"Edward, please don't do this. I love you with all my heart that's why I broke up with Darrell! We can't just break up after everything we've been through! I won't allow you to leave me!" She said acting like a child who's parent refused to buy her something." Belka give it a rest, you always do this! You always tell someone you love them then end up staying them in the back! He made he's decision and you can't change it. Face it, karma really is a bitch and you ended up on the receiving side!" I spoke up tired of her trying to control everyone. She needed to be knocked down from her high horse, and that's exactly what I did! Her ego seemed to increase after I left Phoenix. Personally if I hadn't been so tired from all the arguing, I would've given her a slap to remember!" Edward, son I think it's time you take Bella home... We'll take Andreá with us and start informing her about us, if that's alright with everyone else?" A man with blonde hair said. Focusing back onto Major I caught what he was saying, " We've finished trying so I don't see the problem with leaving."

Taking notice of my surroundings I locked eyes with two of the Wolves, one with sandy coloured fur and another smallish grey one. As I looked into their eyes I felt a pull toward them. A pull similar to the one I felt with Major just this one made me want yo protect them with my life. I walked toward them only to be met with growls, I was only really shocked when Major appeared infront of me in a crouched down stance, almost as if he were to pounce on the Wolves."Major I'm fine, I can handle myself." I spoke my voice calm not trying to trigger his heightened senses. As be got up from his position I spoke to the Wolves, " Are you guys human? If you are can we please talk?" I spoke not trying to sound like a threat to the other Wolves. Backing up all the Wolves ran into the tree line, later coming back a fully clothed humans... Spotting the two Wolves from before I notice that they both looked a lot like me, yet I couldn't place how."Hi, I'm Andreá Kingsley, what are your names?" With sceptical eyes they spoke up, the girl speaking for them both, " I'm Leah Clearwater and this is my brother Seth Clearwater." As I took in what she said, I kept on thinking about the pull." I would love to get to know you guys more, if that's OK with you guys?" I said trying not to make them uncomfortable." You feel the pull as well don't you?" Seth spoke for the first time." Yes, yes I do."

About to say something again I heard a laugh. Looking around I noticed that it was the pixie-looking girl that had laughed." OK so let me get this straight, you just come out from nowhere, calling my boyfriend by his old title and say you are 'The Mistress of War' or what ever, expose Bella infront of everyone, then my boyfriend calls you his mate, and then  you ruin Edward and Bella's relationship and now you feel a pull toward those mutts?" She said seemingly angry.

I don't get why she's angry, I'm just as confused as everyone here. But putting my confusion aside my blood started boiling at the insult she threw at Leah and Seth." You wil not speak of them like that, don't think just because I look fragile that i am, i fought in the Civil war alongside Major Whitlock, dont underestimate my strenght!" Mistress finally breaking throught the barriers, shouted out blinded by rage and anger.

Suddenly feeling a wave of calm Mistress allowed me to be back into control. Looking around I saw Major with a small smile on his face, I think he did that? I need to ask him about it later!" The guy with blind hair spoke up again," OK everyone please calm down, those who would like to go hunting feel free to, those who hunt humans please travel away from Washington, and those who would like lo learn more about the situation please follow me. 'He seems to be the leader around here, everyone quiets down immediately when he speaks.' Mistress thought.Nodding my head in agreement, I followed the blonde man to a house a few miles away. It was a beautiful home, there were class windows everywhere; giving the house beautiful natural lighting. It was a big house, definitely bigger that mine but it was stunning. Making my way toward it with Major behind me I felt an overwhelming sense of peace and belonging. Almost as if I was born to be here?

How have I never stumbled upon this house? Walking inside, I notice how clean and organised their house looked. There were paintings all over the walls and a kitchen to my left. The kitchen  had beautiful colours and accessories to show off. One of the many things I took notice of was a painting of the women that stood behind the blonde man, she had a heart shaped face with beautiful chestnut brown hair that fell on her shoulders. She had a motherly aura surrounding her, she might be married to the blonde man. Their home was peaceful and quiet, I loved it!

Following the crowd once again I made my way into a living room. It was spacious to say the least, a huge flat screen TV on the wall farthest from us and a couch with colorful blankets draped over it. There what a love seat across from the couch and a chair next to that. I felt so at home and I didn't know why...

Hey bunnies hope you find the story to your liking, and I'll see you in the next update.
Bye bye bunnies <33

1346 words(^-^)

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