Explanations pt1

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'I felt so at home and I didn't know why...'

As we walked into the living room, the blonde man had told me to take a seat on the couch infront of them. As I did what u was told the pixie-looking girl stormed out of the room saying, " She shouldn't even be here, Jasper is mine! She's ruining everything!" Making me automatically feel insecure... I mean who wouldn't, when all everyone has said to you was that you ruin everything?" Don't listen to her ma'am, you are not ruining things, infact she's ruining the family by acting so out of character!" Major said making me feel a whole lot better."Thank you, Major." I said just above a whisper, looking him in the eye, eventually falling back in love with him." Call me Jasper, ma'am." He said, southern accent poking through. Making me smile at how he seems to calm me down with just a few words.

The blonde man had broken me out of my thoughts saying, "Well,  I guess we owe you some explanations and you, us! Firstly we're vampires."He said almost hesitant to tell me what they are.
"All of you?" I spoke looking at Jasper."Yes, but we do not feed off of humans, we like to call ourselves the vegetarians of the vampire world as we feed off of animals." He said making me feel sad, I love animals, anything to do with them fascinates me." Well we can't really starve. It's like a dəªth sentence for us. We didn't want to be more of the monsters we are so we decided that killing animals was a less cruel way to continue surviving." Edward said almost as if he had read my mind!" I did, some vampires have gifts and mine is to read minds, Jasper is an empath, he can feel and manipulate people's emotions, Rosalie has heightened beauty and Alice is a psychic, she can see people's futures in visions but her can change if the person changes their decisions." I was shook, so that's why Jasper was able to keep me calm!Why do I feel like someone is trying to...

" Edward I'd really appreciate if you stop mind rªping me!" I shouted almost exposing my train of thoughts. The blonde man spoke again, " How about we do introductions! I'm Carlisle Cullen, the leader of theis coven." The lady with the heart shaped face is Esme, their mother? The big buff guy introduce himself as Emmett, next to him and beautiful girl sat I think she's Rosalie, looking at Edward he nodded. Jasper was next saying, " You know who I am, ma'am!" He said with a handsome smirk plastered on his face." Alice was the gurl who stormed out and I'm-" I cut him off  saying " Edward" Before he finished the sentence.

Well I guess it's my turn now!" As you all know by now I'm Andreá Kingsley, and I'm an immortal being but I'm not a vampire. I am a normal person just I can't ever die." I said smiling at everyone. They looked confused, as expected, so I decided to tell my story!

*Flashback starts*

Monterry, 1863
I was wondering around the forests upset that Major Whitlock had been taken and I couldn't do anything but try and find him.

*Time skip brought to you by Edward being a mind rªpist*

Ordering my men around, I shouted at them to keep looking for Major Whitlock. It has been exactly a year since he went missing and there were no clues as to where he could've been hidden whatsoever! I was frustrated that my men, couldn't find him... we search everywhere on the enemy territory except the forest right beside it. That's where I was headed as my men refused to venture that deep into enemy territory. You would think they would do it instead of letting their major do it.

Walking into the forest has been tiring, but I knew I was close to something, I had a gut feeling. Venturing further I found a clearing in the middle of no where with a bunker door open, leading to the underground hideout. Preparing myself for what was inside I walked down only to be met with an abandoned lab? I was taught never to trust abandoned places  as there may be someone or something lurking in there! I saw an experiment in the corner of the room, walking closer I was unaware of the person in a white cloak behind me, hold a syringe filled with the product of the experiment.

Before I knew it I had been injected by the substance, immediately crashing to the ground. When I woke up I was strapped onto a chair, I couldn't move my arms, head and legs... I had been completely immobilized. My mouth was taped shut with what seemed like duct tape or packing tape, muffling my attempts to scream for help. After a few minutes of thrashing around the door opened and in walked a few guys wearing white cloaks, carrying many different boxes filled with medical equipment and torture devices. " Why don't we play a game gentlemen! How about 'how long will it take for her to pass out'." The man closest to me spoke up getting cheers of agreement from the others. And with that they began their cruel little game, which consisted of them hitting, cutting,whipping and burning me. The took dom much of my blood that it was visible how pale I was! After a few hours of fighting to stay conscious, the darkness caught up to me and I passed out. When I awoke the second time, there was a calender in the room and while looking at it I noticed that it was just over 100 years that I had been in my coma, I was confused but ruled that they had injected me with an immortality liquid of sorts. With the little strength I had mustered up, I broke throught that chains and ran out,  not noticing that the doctors that had hurt me so badly were watching me run out, obviously done with their game.

I ran and ran until I made it to an aircraft. Boarding it discreetly I hid in an empty seat, waiting for wherever it would land. That place just so happened to be Forks, Washington, when the aircraft landed I made another run for it running as far and my legs could take me. I had stumbled upon a cottage deep within the forest and knocked before entering. Hearing nothing I walked in finding it abandoned but still in pretty good shape, once again using all my senses to scope out the area I found myself in a room with piles of money. Knowing what I was about to do was wrong I took some of the clothes out from the closet and made my way to the bathroom, to freshen up. After doing that, I took some of the money a packed a bag full and made my way to a shopping district, known as Port Angeles. Walking around I bought some clothes and got some groceries, at this point my arms were sore and tired. So I decided to walk back home, but on the was I saw a car dealership, and decided to buy a car with the pile of money I had left, I had bought a beautiful matte black jeep. Propping all my bags on the backseat of my new car I drove home, letting my instincts take control and lead me home. After a while I had gotten tired of being in one place so I decided to move to Phoenix, Arizona. I met Bella here and we were inseparable. Everywhere the one would go the other would follow almost as if they were attached by the hip. She was extremely happy when I came home with my new boyfriend Darrell, she threatened him not to hurt me saying that she would hurt him even worse than he hurt me... Then she slept with him and I walked in on them. I was angry, sad, betrayed and so much more that I had cut off all ties with them. The next day I left Phoenix and came back to Forks, and just continued staying here up 'til now!

*Flashback ended*

" That's all that happened to me!"I said finally breaking free from my thoughts." If you don't mind me asking, what was that out burst that you had with Bella?" Rosalie had spoken for the first time during my story." Well that was the other me, Mistress! I kinda have like a split personality and I'm assuming so does Jasper?" I spoke feeling confident about having Mistress with me at all times. " Yes, he does!" Carlise said seemingly happy that I can relate to Jasper.

"Now that you know what happened to me, tell me about what happened to you guys, not you Jasper I already know your story..."

Hiiii guyss!!! I know not all authors post so much at a time but I know I hate waiting for the story so I'll be writing this story whenever I have free time!
Bye bye bunnies <333

1542 words(-_-')

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