Meeting The Cullens

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Walking throught the forest surrounding my home, I've found myself thinking about him's not a thoughtthat I have stuck in my head, it is and very rare occasion that I still think about him.

With my book in hand, I'm making my way to ward my favorite clearing! As I got closer toward it I heard voices and not one or two I hear at least 20 voices arguing about something? It's not that I'm not used to people being in the forest, trust me I am. It's just no one ever comes into the clearing as it's known to have wolf sightings.

Walking out from the tree line I see about twenty to thirty absolutely stunning people and a pack of horse-sized Wolves all staring right at me. My gut told me to back up slowly with my eyes on everyone but instead my brain told me to run away! As I was about to make a run for it, I locked eyes with can't be him? Can it? Walking toward him with a curious look in my eye, my voice sounding just above a whisper, "Major?" His expression went from a pained almost held back look to a look of confusion. Looking him in his eyes I said, " Major,it's me! Mistress!" The look of confusion faded away when I spoke up. His eyes held so many emotions yet his face stone cold...

"You cannot be her, she died years ago, during the war!" He spoke his southern accent thick and filled with doubt. "Tell me something only she would know!"It hurt knowing he doubted me but I did what he said,"Monterry, 1863 the day you went missing."I said sadness evident in my words." It really is you!" He said amused as he walked forward, still keeping the distance between us, almost as if he doesn't trust himself near me...

"How are you still alive? You should have died years ago!" I would be lying if I said that hadn't hurt me," I found a experiment while searching for you and without knowing it someone snuck up behind me and injected some thing into my bloodstream, causing me to become an immortal being. When I woke up I was in a room with different medical equipment and a few guys with white cloaks on came in and started their forms of torture on me. When I awoke the second time I had looked at the calendar in the room to see, it was just over a hundred years later. I mustered up the strength I had left and broke the chains that held me captive for so long and ran out of the lab. And then I came here a got a home deep in the forest not too far from here." I spoke with some lingering trauma behind my words.


As soon as I looked into her charmingly green eyes I felt it, the mating pull. I always thought that Alice was my mate as she was the only person I have met that is able to distract me from the world and it's reality. Don't even get me started on her voice! Her southern accent can be heard when her emotions peak and it makes her sound like a southern goddess.

People have told me over the years that I have a handsome voice but I don't think they've ever met this beauty that stands before me.  She makes every word,sentence and phrase she says sound so graceful.

I really can't believe that she is immortal,she still has her breathtaking green eyes and her rhythmic heartbeats and her scent isn't like any vampire, she smells exactly like a human. Hearing her talk about what happened to her enrages me, as I wasn't there to protect her! When she had said the year I went missing I felt an overwhelming sense of emotion roll off of her.I could feel the sadness which hides the anger toward Maria who had taken me from her.

About to say something I heard a car pull up. Knowing that Edward had brought Bella here I moved closer toward my mate, discreetly hiding her petite frame behind my muscular one. It's not that I don't trust them around her, its just that Bella causes harm to whomever she is around and I just found my mate...I don't need to lose her again.


When I heard a car pull up I noticed that Major was inching toward me almost as if someone would take me away from him.I found it cute that he was protecting me but I couldn't help but focus on the petite, pixie-looking girl, who was glaring daggers at me. I couldn't help but feel proud of myself when I glared back causing her dark aura to falter for a second and then completely break down.

Focusing back on the car I noticed another handsome guy get out of the driver's seat. Walking over to the passenger's side he helped a lady out. Not noticing who she was I rested my head on Major's back, trying to calm my nervousness down. Looking back at the car I now noticed who the lady was... Isabella Marie Swan, my ex best friend. " Bella!" I shouted out from shock. Looking in my direction her face contorted into one of fear and regret. "What the hell are you doing her Dreá?!" She screamed at me as if I ruined her chance with someone."Well Bella I'm here because I live here,why the hell are you here? Last time I remember you where living with your mun and Phil!" I spoke back to her in a calm yet furious tone." I'm staying by my dad because mum and Phil are traveling for his job."She said in a low voice, so low that if I wasn't close to her I wouldn't have heard her say it.

"What about Darrel?Huh! Left him after I left! Or are you just playing this guy." I said my voice filled with hatred. For the first time the guy beside Bella spoke up," Who's Darrell, Bella?" He asked voice low,seemingly upset." Go ahead Bella tell him before I do!" I said with my signature smirk plastered on my face." He's no one Edward, just someone from my past, don't worry about him." She said trying to change the subject. Not on my watch though,she needs to be exposed and if she doesn't want to speak up I'll do the exposing today." Oh come on Bella we both know that's not the truth!" I spoke with a low chuckle. "Dreá stay out of this, this isn't about you and your life anymore its about mine!"She said glaring at me." Well you wanted it to be like this Isabella,I gave you the option to tell him the truth but still you chose to gaslight him!"I shouted out,Mistress starting to break through my barriers that kept her at ease and caged for years."Andreá Kingsley, don't you dare say a word about what happened with you, me and Darrell,this is our concern not theirs so don't bring it up in front of them!" She said with her " scary and mean " voice. Well here goes nothing I guess." Everyone I want you to listen and listen very closely,Bella and I used to be best friends until she betrayed me and I know you might be wondering what this has to do with the Darrell situation, well that's the whole reason we aren't friends anymore..."

"Isabella Marie Swan betrayed me by doing something so unforgivable that it stayed with me for a while and I regret ever thinking it was my fault!"

"The point of this whole rant is that Isabella had..."

Find out what Bella did to Andreá in the next chapter!!I hope you found this interestingand I'll see you in the next update
Bye bye bunnies <33

Never Forgotten|| A Jasper Hale Cullen Love Story||Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora