An unexpected turn of events

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'I'm so happy they accepted our soul bond...'


Jasper had explain how he was changed and a bit about our past as major and mistress. Leah and Seth had asked us if they were able to live with us. I was confused as to why they would want to leave their mom and the pack to come live here.

It turns out that ever since Harry had passed(may he rest in peace), Sue hasn't been treating them as a mother should. They said that she hasn't been paying them much attention and when she did it was to scold them or tell them to do something she could do by herself. If course I said yes but I told them that we would have to speak to the Cullens as it was their land and they might not be okay with Wolves on their side of the treaty. And that's exactly where we are right now. Infront of the Cullen home, all four of us ready to move in together if allowed to.

Jasper had called Carlisle to organize a family meeting. Carlisle seemed to be afraid when Jasper said he wanted everyone there, but calmed down once reassured. He also told Jasper that they had a vistlitor and asked if it was okay for them to stay. I nodded and told Jasper that it was fine, as we weren't talking about anything too personal. Carlisle opened the door greeting the four of us and allowing us inside. Of course we could've just walked in but I thought since we had Leah and Seth with us we should be a bit more respectful as it isn't their or my home." Its nice to see you again Andreà, and you guys too, I hope all is well." Carlisle spoke as he closed the door behind us." Nice to see you too Carlisle/ Mr. Cullen." Leah, Seth and I said at the same time. Causing said man to said man to look at them weirdly before saying," Please, just call me Carlisle, no need for all those formalities."

He lead us up the stairs to the main living area where everyone was seated. Rosalie and Emmett on one of the two couches, Edward next to them. Esme and Carlisle on the love seat, leaving the other couch for the four of us. Leah and Seth sat down first, then Jasper next to them and then me on his lap. " Hey guys, I assume you guys know about the meeting we called and are all wondering why. Well we wanted to know if Seth and Leah could possibly live with Jasper and I in the cottage? We thought we should come ask as the treaty states that the Wolves aren't allowed on your land and vice-versa. " I said quickly knowing everyone could understand what I was saying. "I have no problem with that but we would need to speak to the pack and the elders, to shift some of the rules so that the two of them could travel between the two sides without a problem!" Carlisle said earning nods from around the room.

At this point my smile along with Seth's had widened, while Leah and Jasper had small yet visible smiles on their faces. You could see that Leah would be a daddy's girl and Seth a mommy's boy. The two sharing obvious resemblance with us. Seth having a similar smile to mine and a mischievous glint in his eye like Jasper. While Leah's smirk resembles Jasper and an adventurous sparkle like mine surrounding her. After about an hour of chatting the pack and elders were at the treaty line so we made our way over as well. When Carlisle had called he asked them to bring Sue as well. Noticing the boys in their human forms I smiled and waved, getting similar actions from everyone except Sue.

When Jasper went forward he beckoned the three of us to follow him. He informed the pack about my and his bond with the two siblings and how we have all accepted it. He told them about the idea of them moving in with us and how the Cullens didn't mind them on their land. Sue was pissed when she heard that they wanted to move in with us. She was shouting at the two, about how they were being inconsiderate toward her. She told them that they were being ungrateful and spoiled brats, because they had a mother but they want to move in with two teenagers. It was funny because Jasper and I are far from being teenagers but we let them continue her rant. Carefully pushing the two behind Jasper I let mistress take over. I didn't want to at first because then I might be seen as a threat toward the pack. Knowing that she could get aggressive. But Sue was really pushing my buttons by insulting my kids.

I let mistress explain what Leah and Seth had told us about how Sue was treating them and how they feel she should've been trying to grieve with them instead of taking her anger out on them. The pack looked shocked but what happened next had us all stumped, even mistress. Sue had started shouting at us, saying that Leah and Seth aren't her real children and how Harry had cheated on her before they moved onto the rez. She was complaining about hiw she was so blindly in love with him that she made a mistake by adopting them. She said that if she hadn't been in love with Harry then she wouldn't have to take care of them. She said that she isn't even able to have kids and that she never liked them in the first place.

Leah and Seth had tears in their eyes that were threatening to fall. Rosalie looked pissed and I could understand why. She had told me her story and I would be lying if I said I didn't burst out crying. No one deserves that. Not even the worst of the worst criminals. So when Sue said she regretted taking care of the two siblings, Rosalie was ready to pounce on her but Jasper calmed her down a load as her emotions were hitting him like a truck. I had Leah and Seth in my arms as they cried. I couldn't even start to imagine how they felt. Hearing that the woman they called mom all those years, the woman who made them who they are today and taught them everything they know and took care of them, regretted being there for them all along.

The elders agreed and apologized to us for the commotion, saying that they didn't want thus to happen and that Leah and Seth can come over when ever they liked. With that Jasper and I walked them into the house yo let them pack up their stuff while everyone else went their separate ways and Sue took a drive to Charlie's house. When they finished packing Jasper took their bags and sped to the house to unpack their stuff for them while the three of us walked in silence. They were hurting and I knew they needed time so I just kept quiet. Yes I wanted to console them and take them in my arms trying to keep them safe but I stopped myself, thinking I would be smothering them. When we got to the house all their things were unpacked except for Leah's undergarments. Jasper not wanting to invade her privacy. There was hot chocolate in their rooms and movies set up for them. We decided that we would give them how ever long they needed to themselves. So when we got home I showed them their rooms and gave them a tight hug while Jasper kissed their foreheads.

When their doors closed Jasper and I started on dinner. We put some music on and started dancing to the music. We didn't even notice when the Cullens came in and stood their with smiles on their faces. I'm guessing that you could see we were in love. Seth and Leah both came out smelling the food and then watching us with the rest of the Cullens. I guess we were too absorbed in each other to notice that their were videos and pictures being taken of us. We snapped out of our trance when Edward cleared his throat gaining our attention. I was shocked to see them. The shock quickly turning into embarrassment, which caused a blush to creep up my neck and face. Hiding my face in Jasper's chest I felt a sense of belonging, as sense of peace.

' At that moment I knew this is where I belong, this was my home...'

Hey guys sorry I haven't updated in a while, turns out I had a shattered rib and had to go to hospital. So I've been on pain meds and sleeping for these past few weeks but I'm starting to get better. Less pain but still uncomfortable. I made this chapter extra long to make up for not updating. I hope you enjoy. Thanks for understanding.
Bye bye bunnies<333

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2023 ⏰

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