First day of high school?

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'You truly are the best thing that has ever happened to me..."

Jasper and I have been hanging out all summer. Sometimes at the Cullen residence and sometimes at mine! It didn't matter where thought as long as we were together. A few weeks ago he asked me to be his girlfriend, by taking me on out first official date. He took me deep into the forests where he had set up a dinner table filled with foods and drinks of all kinds.

And just like that our summer came to an end. Alice hasn't come back after she had left the house. When Jasper and I cane back from our walk we had found out that not only had Alice left, but also that Carlise and Esme had enrolled me into Forks High School! Sure I was excited to spend even more time with the Cullen kids but Bella would be there too. I just hope she doesn't cause any drama on my first day!

That's to day my first day if high school. I can't believe it, I've been immortal for so long and haven't thought of furthering my education! I'm thankful that Esme had convinced Carlise to let me go, he's still very cautious with how I became immortal. He's been asking me questions all through summer holiday, well except when Jasper was there.

I woke up to gentle kisses being placed on my forehead. Opening my eyes slowly I saw Jasper hovering above me with a soft smile resting on his handsome face." Wake up darlin, were going to be late for your first day." He said his southern accent thicker than before. Springing up from bed I practically ran to the bathroom, to take a quick shower. Even though I'm immortal doesn't mean I don't sweat and stuff. Walking out of the bathroom I see a pair of low waisted jeans and a long sleeve top lying in the bed and on the floor black platform boots. The first person to come to mind is Rosalie, we've gotten even closer over the summer. She hasn't told me her story yet but I'm not going to pressure her into doing so.

After getting dressed I made my way over to my kitchen, preparing a small breakfast and a lunch to take with to school. The Cullens say the school lunch looks and smells like toxic waste, so better safe than sorry. Packing all the things I need I walked toward the Cullen residence, ready for my first day of school. Before I knocked on the door, Edward opened it and welcomed me in. We've also gotten closer over the holiday. We spoke about how Bella forced him to have sex with her, and it wasn't even good. We spoke about how conniving and controlling she is. As I walked in Rosalie tackled me with an hug." Morning sis, how'd you sleep?" She said with her head in my hair." I slept well thanks Rosalie how was your night?" I asked knowing that vampires don't sleep." Same as usual, no sleep whatsoever!" She said finally letting me go.

" Are you guys all ready to leave?" Esme asked coming out of the kitchen and hugging me. We all said yes at the exact time causing everyone to look at each other and start dying of laughter. Walking with Jasper to Edward's car, I started thinking about Bella ruining me first day again. Edward gave me a reassuring look and told me nit to worry about her anymore. Smiling at my brother I calmed down with a little help from my one and only.

Speeding down the road, we had music blasting throughout the car. When we parked and I got our gasps echoed throughout the parking lot." Have these people never seen a new student!" I indirectly asked the boys and Jasper replied with a" they have just not one so pretty." Blushing at his statement I mumbled a thanks just as Rose and Em pulled into the parking space beside Edward's car. Jasper rested his hand on my lower back guiding me toward the front office, where I got my schedule, locker number and an attendance slip, that I had to give back to the secretary at the end of the day.

Looking at my schedule, Jasper said I have all my classes with at least one of th Cullen children. He walked me toward my first class, which I shared with Emmett and Rosalie. I handed the slip to the teacher and he signed it asking me to introduce myself to the class." Hey everyone I'm Andreá Kingsley and I hope we can all be friends." He told me to take a seat next to a girl named Jessica. I could sense the anger seeping out of her! But why would she be angry at me, I just got here for God's sake! My seat was about a row behind Rose and Em so as I passed them I gave them a look and then shook my head as Emmett shrugged his shoulders. What an asshole! Sitting down in my seat I noticed that Jessica was glaring at me? Oh please her glare is as scary and a baby peacock! Glaring tight back at her I asked, " Do you have something to say or are you constipated?" That caused Emmett to burst our laughing only to get in trouble by the teacher. Jessica on the other hand looked away with an embarrassed blush on her face.

She rally needs to up her glaring game. Taking out my notepad I started jotting down the notes in my own words. We were learinging about Romeo and Juliet! This used to be my favourite story, although after Jasper went missing during the war, I had forgotten my interest in reading as I was focused on finding him. The way the teacher explained their love, sounded a lot to me like Jasper and I's love story. From the challenges to the way the would express their love, to all their enemies and obstacles that they would over come together... it reminded me of us! The bell rang signaling that class was over, I packed my things and walked out of the class door. There stood my handsome Major in all his glory, about to escort me to History, which I share with him. He walked me to the class and introduced me to the teacher and got my slip signed. I got a seat next to him and started listening to the teacher. About 15 minutes into the lesson he pulled my chair closer toward him and rested him ice cold hand on my thigh. I couldn't help but suck in a breath as he started stroking my tan skin. Looking me in my eyes he just smiled, as if he wasn't caressing my thigh under the desk. History dragged along thanks to the little stunt he pulled and so when the bell rang I walked out of the class room and to my Biology class which I share with Edward... and Bella.

'This couldnt get any better could it?!'
Andreá's outfit:

'This couldnt get any better could it?!'Andreá's outfit:

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Hi guys sorry I didn't post for thise few days I was studying for my last exam and had to celebrate Father's day

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Hi guys sorry I didn't post for thise few days I was studying for my last exam and had to celebrate Father's day. I hope you guys would like the story to continue thriving. A big thanks to all 157 of you guys that read it so far, I am very grateful for u guys.
Bye bye bunnies<333

1252 words

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