What are we?

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'I just need space...'

Waking up in the woods I felt a lot calmer than I did yesterday. I made my way further into the Quillette territory. I focused on what I was going to tell Seth and Leah. 'I mean they've waited so long for an explanation, why not tell them while I'm here.' As I made my way through the tree line the Wolves were already there. They were forming a triangle with Seth and Leah on both ends. I walked up to Sam saying that I needed to talk to Seth and Leah.

He nodded toward them and they followed me into the woods. I allowed them to shift back and change. When they finished we walked in silence until we sat on a fallen tree." Why did you want to speak with us Andreá?" Leah questioned quickly. Swallowing the lump that had formed in my throat I decided to just speak up." We have a soul bond." I said, not noticing their confused looks I continued." I'm your soul- mom and Jasper is your soul- dad, now that we are together." Leah's eyes widened and Seth spoke timidly." What's a soul bond?" I wasn't surprised that he didn't know, nit many do. I found out about soul bonds when I met the Volturi kings." It's a connection formed by two or more souls. The connection usually firms family bonds, but their are other types I have yet to discover. Like I said Jaspe and I are your soul- parents. Since we are mates we felt the pull almost immediately, and it seemed you guys did too. Not only am I your soul- parent but I'm also the Volturi kings soul- sister. We treat each other as siblings, always have and always will." I spoke smiling at the thought of my soul- brothers.

" If you don't want this then it's fine, I'm nit going to force you into anything. Just know it will be difficult for us to be away from each other now that you guys have spoken to me about it." I said with a slight sting in my voice." Who said we didn't want this?" Leah spoke shocking me." Yeah, our dad died because of a vampire and our mom is too focused on Charlie to care for us anymore. Ever since they started dating its like she didn't want us around." Seth said, tears brimming his eyes at the thought of their mom's actions. I pulled him into a hug, not before wiping the stray tear that had fallen. I pulled away and brought Leah into a hug as well not wanting her to feel left out." If you guys would like, I could get Jasper and we could all talk about you know. You guys being natural born enemies?" I said chuckling slightly at my choice of words.


" We would have to ask Sam to speak to Carlise about being on their land first." I said, not happy about having to ask to go with her mother. She just smiled and said," I'm your mom, I allow you to come onto their land. Also my house is on their land so, you kinda need to." I looked at her skeptically, but agreed nonetheless.


I got up from my seat on the tree and started walking. As I was about to cross the river again. I heard bones cracking. I spun around seeing Leah and Seth in their wolf forms. Looking at me Leah nodded back." Must I get on your back?" I asked confused as to why she would want me to do that. She somewhat nodded and walked closer to me. I hopped on and almost had a heart attack when she started running and jumped over the river, landing on the other side... Seth following soon after. I got off of her back and let them change again. When they finished we started talking about random things, making our way to my house.

When we arrived I saw Jasper already waiting for me on the front porch. He sped over to me and tackled me down mumbling hiw he thought I had been kidnapped as i didn't come home last night. I chuckled and said, " I just needed some space to think by myself Jas, and plus i can defend myself if that were the case." He stopped his kisses and helped me up, only now taking notice of our kids. He looked at them and smiled." Hey Leah, Seth. I hope Andreá told you about our soul bond. They nodded their heads and spoke, "She sure did dad!" Jasper and I froze. They had called him dad. Jasper felt their embarrassment and quickly brought them into a hug. If he squeezed them any harder he could kill them so I cleared my throat, a bit jealous that they called him dad before they called me mom." Can we take this inside please?" I asked still annoyed." Are you perhaps jealous, mom?" Seth spoke up with a cute smile adorning his face. I scoffed and said," As if, why would i be jealous?" They burst our laughing, and I couldn't help but laugh along with them." Don't be jealous mom, you'll always be our favourite." They both whispered in my ear, knowing Jasper can hear them all to well. Clutching his heart Jasper spoke with a fake sad tone," Its because I'm a vampire, isnt it!" Looking at the terrible acting he put on I decided to play along, " Yep, thats exactly why Jas." I said with a smirk on my face.

His eyes widened at my comment, he looked at me for a second before making his way over to me in the blink of an eye. Tickling me, he forced emotions onto me. I couldn't breath firstly because of the emotions and secondly because Seth and Leah and joined in tickling me." OK, ok, I'm sorry I didn't mean it! Just pleas stop tickling me!" I managed to shout out." You promise?" They all asked." I promise!" They stopped after some " thinking " and helped me stand up and dust off." Lets just go inside and your dad and I will tell you about how we became immortal." With that we walked into the house, which ironically had five bed rooms, including a guest bedroom. The house didn't look that big on the outside but was most definitely charmed with magic as it was huge on the inside.

' I'm so happy they accepted our soul bond...'

Hey guys, another chapter is out. I'm struggling with rib pains so I am stuck with bed rest. Sorry if this story takes me longer than expected. Cottage pic is above in the beginning. Thank you.
Bye bye bunnies<333

1130 words

Never Forgotten|| A Jasper Hale Cullen Love Story||Where stories live. Discover now