Part 21

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April 23, 2014 — Glucose Test
26 weeks 4 day
This was definitely her least favorite appointment. It all started last night when she had to begin fasting at midnight and now she's in an exam room waiting for a phlebotomist to come draw a fasting blood sample from her. "Castle?" "Hm?" Can you rub my legs when we get home? My ankles feel so swollen." She asks and he nods, "Of course. Want a back massage too?" He asks and she shakes her head, "No, just the leg and foot massage please." He kisses her forehead before a young woman enters the room.
"Hello, my name is Whitney and I'll be your phlebotomist today. So, you will be here for a little while today. I'm going to take a fasting blood sample and then you're going to drink a glucose drink. You'll have five minutes to drink it and then we'll time two hours after you finish drinking it for me to draw your blood again and your doctor will call you in a few days to give you your results." Whitney walks Kate through the procedure and she nods before she goes to get everything ready for the test.
She draws the first sample of blood and then gives Kate the drink. Beckett quickly chugs it and then throws the bottle away, "Alright. You finished it at 8:12 so I will be back at 10:12 to take your blood again. Don't use the restroom and try to limit your walking and water intake. I'll see you guys shortly." Once she leaves the room, Beckett lays down on the exam table. "You gonna get some sleep?" Castle asks and she nods. He runs a soothing hand through her hair as her eyes flutter shut until she falls asleep.
Two hours later, there is a knock on the door and Whitney walks back in, "Hi. How are we feeling?" "Hungry." Beckett answers. "Alright, well I just need one more blood sample and then I'll let you guys go and get some food." Whitney says. She draws one more vile of Beckett's blood and then shows them out. "What do you want to eat?" Castle asks once they're in the car he ordered to come pick them up. "Pineapple and cool whip." She tells him. He chuckles and nods. When they get back to the loft, he makes her her request.
She's laying on the couch when he walks over and hands her the bowl. "Thank you." She smiles and rests the bowl on her bump. He also settles down on the couch and pulls her legs into his lap as he begins massaging them, "You have magical hands." She tells him, "I know. You've told me that numerous times." He teases and wiggles his eyebrows. She smiles before feeling their little girl kick around inside of her, "Excuse me, ma'am, don't kick my food off." She jokes as she points her spoon at her belly.
"You know, now that we know it's a girl, I think we should pick a name for her." Castle says. "Okay, what did you have in mind?" "Well, I was thinking about Johanna as her middle name." He tells her. She stares into his ocean blue eyes as her well up with tears. "Really?" She asks in disbelief. He nods, "Yeah, I think it would be a nice way to honor your mother and I think it's a beautiful, strong name for our little girl." He explains further as he lays his hand on her bump. She grabs his hand and pulls him towards her so she can kiss him.
"I love you so much." She whispers, "I love you too." He replies and kisses her once again with a smile. "Do you have any ideas for first names?" Castle asks as he sits back up and begins massaging her legs again. "I have a few. Emily?" She asks. He shakes his head, "I mean it's pretty, it just doesn't feel like her." He tells her, "How about Chloe?" He asks, "Chloe Castle?" She asks before continuing, "Plus I feel like Chloe is a little girl name. I want something she can grow up into."
He nods in agreement. "How about Avery?" She suggests. He smiles, "Avery Johanna Castle. I love it. We can call her AJ for short." He says, "Really? You like it?" She asks and he nods, "It's a perfect pen name." He jokes earning him an eye roll. "So it's official?" He asks and she nods, "We have ourselves an Avery." She says. He leans down and kisses her bump, "Avery." He whispers and is responded to with a swift kick. "She likes it." Beckett smiles. "I love her so much. And you." Castle tells her, "We love you too." She responds.
Part 21! This is a short but sweet chapter and the main purpose was to reveal the baby's name: Avery Johanna Castle! Let me know what you think!

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