Chapter 2

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The tour lady continued her narration, capturing the attention of the children with the thrilling tale unfolding before them.

Tour lady: And so, the greatest wager in history commenced. Y/n and Joaquin, representing two ancient gods, competed for the hand of Maria, symbolizing a choice that would impact the entire world.

The purple-haired boy couldn't contain his excitement and curiosity, eager for the story to unfold.

Purple-haired boy: So these ancient gods picked three little kids to, like, represent the whole world? That's insane!

The red-haired boy chimed in, equally captivated by the unfolding narrative.

Red-haired boy: Yeah, it's mind-blowing! Please continue, tour lady.

Returning to the story, Y/n, Maria, and Joaquin dashed down the bustling streets. Joaquin and Maria expertly leaped over a flight of stairs, showcasing their agility. However, Y/n stumbled and tumbled down the steps, but quickly recovered, determined to keep up with his friends.

As Maria scanned the surroundings, her attention was drawn to a baby pig nestled nearby. Her compassionate nature prompted her to stop in her tracks.

Maria: Aw, you're so adorable.

Locking eyes with the pig, she felt a surge of concern. Suddenly, she noticed a mural on the wall depicting pigs being boiled, and her heart sank.

Maria: Oh no! (She turned to the baby pig) Not on my watch.

Turning to Y/n and Joaquin, Maria rallied their support for a mission.

Maria: Come on, you guys! We need to free the animals!

Y/n and Joaquin, slightly confused but willing to follow Maria's lead, expressed their agreement.

Y/n: Absolutely!

Joaquin: Wait, Maria, hold on! Maybe we shouldn't...

Undeterred by Joaquin's hesitation, Maria took swift action, shattering the enclosure that held the captive animals. Determined to protect the innocent creatures, she released them from their confinement.

Meanwhile, in the heart of the town, General Ramiro, Maria's father, took to the podium to deliver a speech to the townspeople.

Ramiro: People of San Angel, I implore you! After the revolution, we require more volunteers to join our mighty brigade!

He proudly gestured towards his soldiers, though they appeared scrawny and ill-prepared for battle. A soldier sneezed, causing his arm to detach and a mischievous dog to snatch it away. Ramiro's frustration was evident as he clenched his fist, which happened to be a detachable tiger arm. A child playfully galloped off with the arm, pretending it was a horse, much to the amusement of onlookers.

Ramiro: We need a valiant brigade to protect us from the menacing Chakal!

He revealed a poster featuring Chakal, inciting fear and trepidation among the townspeople.

Random boy: Chakal is here!

The panicked crowd spun around, their terror palpable. However, to their relief, they were greeted by the sight of the small pig from earlier, peacefully strolling into view.

Maria, riding triumphantly atop a pig, seized the moment with unbridled joy.

Maria: Freedom!

A trail of liberated animals, set loose by Maria's act of bravery, descended down the streets, causing chaos and pandemonium among the townspeople, who screamed and scattered in fear for their safety.

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