Chapter 10

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Y/n found themselves standing in the vast and treacherous arena, a lone figure surrounded by an army of charging bulls. Xibalba, his voice resonating with a mix of authority and sadistic pleasure, called out Y/n's name, laying out the daunting task that awaited them.

Xibalba: Y/n Sánchez! You shall face and defeat every bull that the Sánchez family has ever conquered!

The weight of those words hung heavy in the air, sending a ripple of disbelief and concern through the onlookers, including Louis, who was present in the arena alongside everyone else.

Louis: That would be thousands of bulls!

Xibalba's grin widened, relishing the sheer impossibility of the challenge he had presented.

Xibalba: Indeed! And you shall face them all at once! If, by some miracle, you manage to complete this Herculean task, you shall be granted the chance to live again. But if you fail... (He gestured, revealing a small spectral image of Y/n fading away.) shall be forgotten forever.

The Candlemaker, his voice filled with a mix of doubt and concern, interjected, questioning the feasibility of such an endeavor.

Candlemaker: This is impossible! It can't be done!

The bulls, sensing the tension and anticipation, began their relentless charge toward Y/n, their thundering hooves shaking the ground beneath them. Y/n's heart raced, the enormity of the challenge sinking in. They summoned their courage and focused their energy, relying on the power of the Cake of Life granted to them by the Candlemaker.

With a swift flick of their hand, Y/n created a barrier of sweet and enticing confections, momentarily swaying the charging bulls, diverting their attention and slowing their onslaught. However, the sheer number and force of the bulls proved to be overwhelming, pushing Y/n to their limits.

Carmen, her voice filled with unwavering belief, called out to Y/n, offering her encouragement in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds.

Carmen: You can do it, Y/n! Trust in your strength!

The cheers and words of support from Carmen and the others echoed in Y/n's ears, fueling their determination. They drew upon their resilience, tapping into their ancestral heritage, a blend of Mexican and French blood, embracing their inner courage and determination.

Y/n: Je ne reculerai pas! (I will not retreat!)

With renewed resolve, Y/n deftly navigated the tumultuous sea of charging bulls, their movements a graceful dance of survival and defiance. The air crackled with energy as Y/n employed their agility, using their swift reflexes and strategic thinking to outmaneuver the colossal beasts.

Though the task seemed insurmountable, Y/n refused to succumb to doubt or fear. With each graceful leap and swift dodge, they demonstrated an unwavering spirit, defying the odds with every passing moment.

The crowd, swept up in the spectacle unfolding before them, erupted into a symphony of cheers and gasps, their emotions a testament to the sheer bravery and determination exhibited by Y/n.

As the bulls continued their relentless assault, Y/n's energy waned, their movements slowing, their muscles straining under the weight of the challenge. But they persevered, their mind focused on the ultimate goal—to reclaim their life and rewrite their destiny.

In that defining moment, Y/n summoned their inner strength, a fusion of their Mexican roots and French resilience, drawing upon their heritage as a source of unwavering power.

With one final surge of determination, Y/n triumphed over the relentless stampede of bulls, their victory a testament to their unyielding spirit and unwavering resolve.

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