Chapter 11

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With Joaquin pleading for mercy, his voice filled with desperation, Chakal reveled in his triumph, clutching the coveted medal of everlasting life.

Joaquin: Please, Chakal, just don't hurt them.

Chakal's twisted grin widened as he relished his victory.

Chakal: Yes! Yes! The medal is mine!

But just as his jubilation reached its peak, the earth beneath them rumbled, signaling an unexpected turn of events. With a thunderous entrance, Y/n burst onto the scene, delivering a powerful punch to Chakal, sending him reeling and the medal flying from his grasp.

Chakal: What?

The stunned onlookers, including Maria and Joaquin, stared in disbelief as Y/n emerged before them, alive and resolute.

Maria: Y/n?

Y/n, exuding an air of invincibility, extended his hand to Maria, helping her up from the ground.

Y/n: It's me, mon amour. (He affectionately referred to Maria, his love)

In a moment of triumph and shared relief, Y/n and Maria embraced, their lips meeting in a passionate kiss. Y/n then boldly gestured to Chakal, defiantly raising his middle finger for a brief moment before refocusing his attention on the impending showdown.

Y/n: Hold dis fi mi, mon ami. (He tossed his guitar to Joaquin and turned to face Chakal) So, my father tells me you despise bullfighters.

Chakal, his confidence unyielding, scoffed at the challenge.

Chakal: I despise everyone.

Undeterred, Y/n met Chakal's gaze with unwavering determination, drawing his two swords with a swift, fluid motion. The ground beneath them began to illuminate, and to the astonishment of all, the deceased members of the Sánchez family emerged, standing alongside Y/n. The crowd fell into a hushed awe before erupting into cheers of support and admiration.

Meanwhile, La Muerte, Xibalba, and the Candlemaker observed the unfolding events from a distance.

La Muerte: It is the day of the dead, Y/n.

Xibalba: And on this sacred day, we have a certain amount of... (La Muerte playfully interrupted him with a flutter of her fingers)

La Muerte: Leeway.

The Candlemaker, mischievous as ever, pushed aside Xibalba's wings to ensure he was visible.

Candlemaker: Good luck!

Y/n acknowledged their support with gratitude before turning his gaze back to Chakal and his bandits, poised for the imminent battle that would determine the fate of San Angel.

Y/n: Merci! (Thank you!) (He then locked eyes with Chakal and hissed an insult in French) Allons-y! (Let's go!)

Chakal, fueled by his own arrogance, laughed in response to Y/n's challenge.

Chakal: You and what army?

Y/n, undaunted, maintained his unwavering resolve, meeting Chakal's gaze with a steely determination. With his two swords gleaming in the sunlight, he stood as a beacon of hope and resilience.

As the battle loomed, the air crackling with anticipation, Y/n and Chakal prepared to clash in a fight that would determine the destiny of San Angel.

As the battle ensued, a united front was formed. Maria, Y/n, and Joaquin stood shoulder to shoulder, their determination unwavering.

Maria: No retreat!

Y/n and Joaquin: No surrender!

Their swords raised high in unison, the trio charged at Chakal with a synchronized battle cry. But despite their valiant efforts, Chakal proved to be a formidable adversary, swiftly knocking them aside with a powerful blow.

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