Chapter 9

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As Y/n and his family ventured further into the depths of the cave, a sense of wonder and trepidation filled the air. Louis couldn't help but express his curiosity in his signature French manner.

Louis: C'est la grotte des âmes? (Is this the cave of souls?)

Y/n, sensing the solemnity of the moment, gently admonished his grandfather.

Y/n: Grandpa, show some respect.

Drawing his sword, Y/n prepared himself for any potential threats that lay ahead. Suddenly, a mysterious figure bathed in a soft, ethereal glow emerged from the shadows.

Mysterious Figure: That was quite an entrance...

As the figure stepped into the light, its true identity was revealed—it was none other than the eccentric and lively Candlemaker. With an infectious energy and enthusiasm, he addressed Y/n and his family.

Candlemaker: Awesome, man! Those giant boulders were like boom! Boom! Boom! And you were like (making sound effects), and then the cave guardian came in all serious-like, saying, "I'm gonna judge you with this giant sword!"

Y/n, trying to maintain composure, interjected politely.

Y/n: Excuse me, sir...

Candlemaker: And you... you got through! Impressive, my friend!

Y/n's curiosity piqued, he expressed his immediate concern.

Y/n: I have to find La Muerte.

Candlemaker: La Muerte? Ah, sorry to disappoint, Y/n, but you just missed her.

Y/n's hope wavered for a moment, but he pressed on, determined to uncover the truth.

Y/n: Wait! You know me?

Candlemaker: Yeah, man. We know everybody here. We know Louis, Carmen, and... puddle! (pointing to a small puddle on the ground) How are you doing, puddle?

Confusion washed over Louis's face as he tried to comprehend the unexpected interaction.

Louis: Huh?

Y/n, extending a friendly greeting, addressed the peculiar encounter.

Y/n: Hello, puddle?

Candlemaker, realizing his oversight, quickly regained his composure and manners.

Candlemaker: Oh, where are my manners? Come on in, y'all!

As if in response to his words, the ground beneath them began to shift, moving upward with a sense of purpose and anticipation. The tour lady, who had been watching the events unfold, chimed in with her narration.

Tour Lady: Y/n and his family were about to witness the breathtaking magic of the waterfall, a mystical gateway that connected all the realms together.

With each passing moment, the boundaries between the realms grew increasingly blurred, promising a journey that would transcend the ordinary and venture into the extraordinary.

The Candlemaker's voice reverberated through the vast cave of souls, its ethereal echoes sending shivers down the spines of Y/n and his companions. They stood in awe as the towering figure emerged from the shadows, revealing his enigmatic presence.

Candlemaker: Welcome to the sacred depths of the cave of souls! Allow me to extend my humble abode to you. Mi casa es su casa.

Louis marveled at the grandeur of their surroundings, his eyes widening in admiration.

Louis: Now, this is what I call a cave!

Y/n, feeling a mixture of reverence and curiosity, spoke in a hushed tone, his words laced with a touch of wonder.

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