Chapter 7

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Back at the museum, the children, their eyes wide with disbelief, watched as Y/n's fate seemed sealed.

Red-haired boy: Nooo! Not Y/n too?

Purple-haired boy: Why does it always have to end in death for Mexicans?

Little girl: But it can't end like this, can it?

The tour lady, her voice filled with compassion, sought to comfort the children and reassure them.

Tour lady: Oh, my dear children, fear not. This is not the end of the tale.

Returning to the unfolding story, Y/n slowly regained consciousness, his gaze falling upon his own skeletal form. Realization washed over him—he had crossed over into the realm of the afterlife. A glimmer of hope flickered within him, for this meant he might have a chance to be reunited with his beloved once more. As he turned around, a breathtaking sight unfolded before his eyes—the radiant splendor of the Land of the Remembered. He stood in awe, marveling at the vibrant colors and ethereal beauty that surrounded him.

A guard, riding atop a horse-shaped hot air balloon with a skeletal visage, approached Y/n.

Guard: Welcome to the Land of the Remembered.

Y/n: I made it... I'm here.

Guard: And on the Day of the Dead, no less. Fate has smiled upon you.

Y/n: But where is...

Guard: My apologies, my friend. The initial moments can be disorienting. Let's start with your name.

Y/n: (hopeful) Maria Posada!

Guard: (chuckles) Ah, parents and their eccentric naming choices. However, I'm afraid there is no Maria Posada on our list.

Y/n: (determined) She is the love that illuminates my world of darkness. My name is Y/n Sanchez.

Guard: (gasps) Another Sanchez! The family seems to be growing here.

Y/n: (expressing gratitude) Please, I implore you. Help me find my long-lost love, Maria Posada. She is the light that guides me through the shadows. Take me to my family, for they will aid me in my search.

Guard: (smiling) It would be my pleasure to reunite a young couple once more. Hop on, my friend. Hold on tight!

Y/n eagerly mounted the horse-shaped hot air balloon, his heart filled with a mixture of excitement and anticipation. As the guard urged the balloon forward, soaring through the skies of the Land of the Remembered, Y/n couldn't help but let out a joyful scream, his voice carried away by the wind as he embarked on this extraordinary journey.

Guard: You know, I've been down here for years, awaiting my beloved honey bunny.

Out of the blue, the guard's wife appeared, seemingly materializing out of thin air.

Guard's wife: Hi, honey!

Guard: (screaming) Too soon!

In a panic, he quickly rode off, desperately trying to avoid his wife's affectionate advances.

The tour lady continued her narration, describing the Land of the Remembered as a place of vibrant colors, joyous celebrations, and endless festivities. It was a world that mirrored the living realm but surpassed it in beauty and exuberance. On the Day of the Dead, the land was alive with unending parties and spectacular parades.

Pointing towards a particular group, the guard directed Y/n's attention to his family.

Guard: There, your family is in that one.

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