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Bella was trying to get me out of bed early this morning but I refused.

"Someone's finally awake" bella says as I walked out of the bathroom in my robe that has my initials embroidered on the sleeves.

I squinted my eyes at them and stuck my tongue out at her.

"I needed a sleep in" I giggled, wriggling my brows at him, his face flaired in blush as I referred to last night's activities.

"I made you brekky" bella says pulling a chair out next to hers. There was a plate with French toast waiting there for Me.

After we ate we got a ride to pedros place, who claimed he wanted to show us the new set up. But when we arrived, we walked in to see complete chaos.

Taylor swift was playing on the TV, there was couches scattered everywhere, blocking pathways.

Bella swung their leg over one and slide into a sitting position, his hand coming over to grab mine as I climbed over also.

Pedro was sitting on the floor, sweat covering him, and a glass of wine in his hand, the bottle surely discarded somewhere in this mayhem.

"Whats going on buddy" bella asked leaning forward, resting her elbows in their knees, I couldn't help but mentally swoon when their fingers interlaced.

"It didn't go as planned" the man pouted, I had to bring my fingers to my mouth to hide my giggle.

"Do you want some help" I looked over the mess and if we all put in work it should be done quickly.

Pedro put down the glass and looked to me with pleading eyes.

Such a child

We laughed and stood, I looked over to the music playing, I let out a small gasp and fumbled for the remote.

They watched in confusion "it's not Taylor's version" I muttered, quickly switching the music.

After about 30 minutes the living room was now pretty organised.

Pedro finished off his wine and danced around to maroon while bella and I actually did the work.

I fanned my face, I opened my camera and took a video of Pedro dancing and bella laying on the floor with her arms flailing around to the music.

I typed the caption.

'Ellie and Joel are confirmed swifties. @taylorswift'

I snorted at my own wit before posting.

"I'm taking a shower" bella perked her head up, pedro spun and looked at us, I was smirking and bella was getting up.

"No. No, no sex at my house" the man slurred, I chuckled and turned on my heels. Jogging up the steps I enter the guest bedroom where I kept a bag of Bella's and I's clothes for when we'd stayed over.

I turned the tap on and let the water run for a second before stepping in.

I heard the door creak open, I didn't even need to look to know it was them.

"Pedge passed out" they muttered, closing the door behind her.

"Lucky me" I chuckled when I saw them frantically taking off their clothes.

I couldn't take my eyes off him, I was entranced.

After the shower we got dressed and walked down the stairs.

Pedro was lounging on the couch with a new bottle of wine and his leg half hanging off.

"You did it didn't you" he grumbled, putting the bottle down and rolling off the sofa and facing us.

"I don't kiss and tell" bella lowered their head to hide their smirk.

"Yeah, but Lila's neck does" pedro pointed to me, I gasp and look at myself in the mirror next to me.

It was true, my neck looked crazy, purple hickeys scattered down my neck to my collar bones. I'm glad he couldn't see the ones everywhere else.

"You bitch" I turned to bella who was cackling. I ran towards her but he didn't move.

"Kelly is going to kill you one day" I say mentioning my makeup artist on set, resting my hands on their shoulders.

"Eh, can't blame me" bella kissed my lips before turning to Pedro who nodded off again.

"Ready to go?" They asked me, I nodded.

I took a picture of Pedro drooling just before we left.

When we got into the car I opened my instagram. Taylor reposted my story and said 'my music is taking over 💪"
I snorted and liked her message.

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