Chapter 63- Hereditary Pt1

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Archie, Reggie and I all walk into the gym which has been trashed
"Andrews, you asked us toybe big brothers, and sisters, not soldiers in a turf war"
"Who did this?" I ask frowning
"I got a pretty good idea"
"Dodger?" I ask raising my eyebrows as Reggie and I follow Archie into his office space
"It's got to be"
"Well shit. What are we going to do?"
"I'm going to ring FP. You and Reggie see if we can get any volunteers to help clean this place up" I nod my head and take out my phone to ring up Monroe
"Hey... yeah I'm ok, we'll we could do with your help. How strong do you feel?.... it's the gym.... someone's broke in, smashed the place....Archie thinks it might be Dodger..... that would be great....ok see you in a bit" I put the phone down and turn to look at Reggie "Monroe's coming down to help. He's going to see if he can get anyone else to come"
"Great. Best start cleaning up then" I grab reggie and I a broom each and some trash bags. Silence washes over us both until Reggie starts talking
"Have you spoken to Sweet Pea recently?"
"No" I sigh "Monroe kinda talked some sense into me. Told me to speak with him, but when I tried he walked away. Don't think he wants to speak with me. Probably hates me"
"No one could hate you" I give Reggie a little smile "Monroe was right, you need to talk. We need to parent trap you both"
"You just leave that to up to me. Things will be ok Rory. Even if your not meant to be, he will be a friend. Like I am to you"
"Thank you Reg"

The following day I sit with Betty, Veronica, Archie and Reggie
"None of you guys have any spare arcade games lying around do you?" Archie asks
"What's this now, Archiekins?"
"I'm trying to get these kids away from Dodger's arcade. Step one: Give them another option"
"What you're doing at the El Royale is so inspiring, Archie, but not enough people know about it"
"Then we make them" I shrug looking at Veronica
"I can write about the centre in the blue and gold"
"And I'll ask my vendors to see if they can help rustle up some arcade games" the speaker then announces
"Will Cheryl Blossom please report to the principal's office?"
"What's she done now?" Betty looks at me
"How am I suppose to know? I've barley spoken to her and Toni recently. Just to think that this time last year I was rolling with the Serpents, Sweet Pea and I were dating, Toni was one of my best friends, so was Cheryl and Fangs was here. He was ok. I'm sorry Veronica but I will never forgive your dad for buying the southside. Maybe things would be so different"
"No offence taken" Veronica mutters
"Like the Serpents and Bulldogs not getting along?" Betty states
"Ok there were drawbacks, but we had our own space. We were a family"
"You never know Rory, you may have that again" Veronica gives me a small smile
"Dad was alive, he would lecture me for leaving the house and not getting back till late"
"Dad is watching over us. Promise"
"I know" I then notice Sweet Pea walk past the student lounge "hey erm I'll see you guys later" I say getting up and grabbing my bag. I quickly leave the room and look around but he's gone. Damn it.

"Ok. Tomorrow night your going to meet Sweet Pea at Pops" Reggie says leaning next to my locker
"Does he know he's meeting me?" I ask looking at Reggie with my eyebrows raised
"No, but..."
"He will walk out as soon as he sees me. Nice try Reggie but it won't work"
"He won't walk out because I've got back up" he point behind me and I turn to see Toni and Cheryl
"Hi. Reggie told us about what you said earlier and we both agree. It would be nice to be friends again and we need to get you and Sweet Pea back together"
"You guys are endgame" Cheryl says
"Fine I'll go" I sigh giving in "but I'm telling you now. It won't work"

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