Chapter 72- To Die For

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I'm working in Pops today and I've just noticed how there are more and more people wearing their serpent jackets. Even Sweet Pea is wearing his again
"Thank you" Betty says taking the coffee from my hand. Just as she's about to leave Cheryl walks into Pops and Betty into a hug
"Sweet cousin I am so so sorry. Looks like the Blossom family curse has finally caught up to you. nd that I now have a rival as Teen Queen of Tragedy"
"Cher" I warn her with raised eyebrows
"Sorry" Cheryl then declares that Betty will now be on suicide watch
"Have fun" I say earning a glare from Betty.

Weirdly the stonewall prep guys only got Betty, Veronica and Archie arrested, but of course they got  free to go when FP found out that blood on the rock was actually fake blood. We're now at Jugheads funeral. I stand next to Pea, many of us wearing our Serpents jackets. The door opens revealing Donna and Brett
"You got a lot of nerve coming here" Pea starts walking over to them
"Babe don't" I wrap my hands around his arm making him stop
"Sweet Pea, it's okay" Betty says walking over to us "Mr. Jones said that they could come in" Pea looks them both up and down before moving to the side a little
"Closed casket. Call me a doubting Thomas, but that seems like a suspect choice with such a handsome cadaver"
"Classy as ever Donna"
"Maybe FP didn't want an open casket. You know Donna not all of have seen a dead body before"
"What's that's supposed to mean?" Donna takes a step towards me, but I just shrug
"And anyway for your information, the funeral home didn't want us to even have the casket here" Betty states
"It's Serpent tradition"
"And if you make a scene I will throw your ass out. Or at least they will" Betty points to Sweet Pea and Fangs who is say down already. Pea and I sit next to Fangs as FP starts his speech
"I wanna thank you for coming today. I
know you all, loved my son. Things weren't always easy for us. But my boy was, always resilient and loyal and loving" FP starts crying struggling to finish his speech so Betty takes over
"As many of you know, crime fiction. Detective stories. So, to honor him, I'd like to read a passage from one of his favorite Sherlock Holmes short stories: The Final Problem. "An examination by experts leaves little doubt that a personal contest between Holmes and Moriarty ended in their reeling over, locked in each other's arms....." as Betty reads I have to wipe the tears rolling down my face.

"You must really miss your brother" I notice Donna speaking to JB "when was the last time you saw him? He isn't really dead is he?"
"Donna fuck off" I say storming over to then standing in front of JB and the casket
"Oh come on. You and I both know that this is all an act"
"For you maybe, bitch. Now leave" I cross my arms over my chest
"You heard her" Pea says standing next to me
"Do it, Brett do it" Brett runs over to the casket and pushes me out of the way
"What the hell do you think your doing?" Pea is immediately in defensive mode holding Brett up by the collar with Archie stood behind him
"You preppies don't know when to quit"
"Okay, calm down. He's not worth it. He's leaving anyway" Betty defuses the situation then Pea and Fangs push Donna and Brett out.

"Betty? Really, Archie?" Veronica storms in to the student lounge with Cheryl behind her "Of all people? Betty?"
"My head already hurts" i mutter making Pea and Reggie chuckle "How could you do this to me?"
"Don't play innocent with me, Archie Andrews. "Kissing my best friend in the music room where you and I had our fun?" Veronica holds up Cheryl's phone
"Your cheated?" I look at Archie shocked
"Why should I be surprised? That's your special place, isn't it? It's where you take all your women. Me, Josie, Ms. Grundy, and now Betty. And shame on you for taking advantage of our friend when she is grieving and at her most, vulnerable. B, I need you to know, I do not blame you"
"It's my fault. I'm the one who started it. I, I kissed Archie, I'm sorry"
"Sorry? Your sorry? You scheming, two-faced bitch, Betty Cooper. You know what? You two deserve each other. So, burn in hell, the both of you" Veronica then storms out of the room
"Did we miss some part of the plan?" Pea leans down and whispers in my ear
"Yes baby you did" I pat his cheek "now it's my part. Archie are you serious? How could you do that to Veronica?" I yell walking over to him "you are an idiot. And you" I point to Betty "I thought better of you Betty. But I guess you've kissed Archie before haven't you. Christmas ring any bells. Pea" I call out to him "we're going"

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