Chapter 77- Climax

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Principal Weatherbee is back! After Mr Honey left we got our old headmaster back. Pea and I walk passed Toni and Cheryl who are both running for prom Queens
"You not interested in being prom queen?" he asks as we walk to the student lounge
"Na. You are treated like royalty for 1 night but when you go to collage or uni no one will care" I shrug
"Hey you two" Veronica says smiling as Pea and I walk into the student lounge "my friend KO Kelly is in town and I wanted to show him a good time"
"As in KO Kelly who's fighting Archie tomorrow?" I ask frowning
"Yes. So you best both be at La Bonne Nuit tonight. And I know you guys have been loving your Serpent jackets again but please no leather unless it's accompanied with lace"
"Got ya" I chuckle sitting down next to Cheryl and Toni "Cher, you know you love me and we're best friends?"
"What do you want?" she asks me with raised eyebrows
"Your help. I still don't have a prom dress and I was really hoping we could go shopping, for old times sake, just us 2?"
"Of course Rory" she says excitedly "what colour tie is Romeo wearing?"
"Errr just a black tie"
"Well that's boring" Cheryl replies to Pea "we will find you something else don't worry"

"Didn't Ronnie tell you not leather?" Archie asks as Pea and I join him and the others
"She said no leather unless I'm also wearing lace" I reply referring to my top, well bralet
"Welcome everyone. Are you having a good time tonight?" Veronica says through the microphone on the stage. We all clap and yell signalling that we are all having a good time "in honour of my friend KOs visit, I thought I'd share a little tune for you tonight. Written by someone very special to me. This one's for you Archiekins" I give Archie a little smile and nudge, but when Veronica starts singing I notice Archie looks a little uncomfortable
"You ok Arch?" I ask leaning over to him
"Huh? Oh yeah fine. Just tired tonight" I nod my head, not fully excepting that answer but also knowing not to push him.

"So what's the plan?"
"We shop. Find my prom dress then Pea is picking me up and we're heading to Archie's fight" Cheryl and I walk into a shop that sells so many beautiful dresses "I don't even know where to start"
"Let's start with colour. How about emerald green?"
"No. To obvious with the whole serpent dating serpent thing" I shake my head
"I always wear black. Kinda want something different" we scan looking at all of the dresses, nothings jumping out at me just yet
"Ok let's just grab loads and try them on"
"I'm trusting you Cher"
"When have I ever let you down?" I can think of a few times but I bite my tongue. Cheryl and I basically raid the store trying on almost every dress imaginable. That's when I find the perfect dress about 2 hours later.
Pea then picks me up and we head to watch Archie's fight. We sit down next to mom and Brook
"Hey mom, hi Brook"
"Brook, this is Rory's boyfriend Sweet Pea"
"Babe this is moms girlfriend Brook"
"Way to go Mrs Andrews" Pea shakes Brooks had earning an eye roll off me. We converse a little more before the fight starts, and just as quick as it starts it's over
"Ladies and gentlemen, the first judge has scored the fight in favor of KO Kelly. Our second judge has scored the fight for Archie Andrews. And our third judge, the commandant, has scored the fight in favour of of KO Kelly, your winner tonight" we clap to be polite but all of us in the room feel deflated
"What's Archie going to do now?" I sigh sinking into my seat
"He'll think of something. He always does" mom tries to comfort me "Sweet Pea, do you mind taking Rory home?"
"Of course Mrs Andrews"
"I'll see you later mom. Bye Brook" I wave at moms girlfriend then leave hand in hand with Sweet Pea.

Prom has finally arrived. I walk down the stairs in my dress, where Sweet and Archie are waiting

"What are you still doing here?" I ask "Wanted to give my twin a hug before I go to Veronica's

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"What are you still doing here?" I ask
"Wanted to give my twin a hug before I go to Veronica's. Plus I know dad would want me to give Sweet Pea the whole, have her back by midnight speech" I give Archie a smile as I'm pulled into a hug
"I really wish he was here"
"He is. You just can't see him" Archie replies. I sniffle trying not to cry
"Ok. Now go. Veronica will be waiting" I push Archie out of the door and turn back to Sweet Pea
"You look beautiful"
"Thank you. You look very handsome yourself" I fix his tie which is now the same colour as my dress
"Ah I need pictures of you both" mom cries holding her phone up. We take some pictures together, cry a little before mom and Brook head off to the Lodges to take photos of Archie and Veronica. Just as Pea and I are leaving I gasp forgetting something
"What is it. You ok?"
"Yeah just. Wait there a moment" I say and run back upstairs. I put on the ring Pea got me for Christmas when we first starting dating and run back down the stairs "ok ready"
"Yeah. I stopped wearing it when we split, although not for long, but Im gonna start wearing it again. I love you Pea"
"I love you too Rory. Now what do you say we head to prom so I can show everyone how beautiful my girlfriend is"
"Your cheesy" I chuckle before we share a kiss "before we head to prom. Could we make a pit stop?"
"Where to?"

"Hey dad. What do you think?" I twirl at dads gravestone almost hoping I would get a response "Im sorry it's been a while, life's been a little crazy recently, but I thought I should come and see you before I go to prom. Sweet Peas taking me. We back together. Have been for a couple of months. I wish you could have been here tonight. Wish you could been here for graduation. I got into Yale, Jug was meant to be coming with me, but then he died, well no not really he... you know what that's a story for another dad, but Betty is now going to Yale instead, think she wants to be a detective. Anyway, Archie owns Andrews construction, Sweet Pea works there, will be while I'm at Yale. I better go, but I promise I'll visit more. Next time bring some flowers"

Finally we arrive at prom, a screen is playing a montage of photos from all of us, some sweet, some funny, some we would like to forget existed
"I'd like to propose a toast" Kevin holds up his cup "to surviving this crazy town and making it a night that we will never forget"
"Cheers" we all say putting our plastic cups in the middle a slow song starts playing and we walk off in our couples. I place my arms around Pea, his hands resting on my hips
"Can I tell you something?"
"Of course"
"I'm scared about what will happen when you go to Yale and I stay here. What if you meet a handsome man who is a hell of a lot smarter than me or you end up falling for the hot Professor"
"Well first of all, I'm not going far, 2 hours away so I'll be home every weekend and whenever I have a break. I'm not going to fall for anyone that isn't you Sweet Pea, that's a promise and maybe once I have finished my degree we could maybe I don't know, move in together?"
"You want to move in together?"
"Yeah of course I do, but not the trailer park. We may have to live with mom for a little bit while we save our money, but I know that's what I want for my future"
"The votes have been tallied and double checked by Miss Bell. It is now my honor to announce
this year's prom king and queen" Principal Weatherbee says standing on the stage in front of us all "actually, make that prom queens. Congratulations to Miss Cheryl Blossom
and Miss Antoinette Topaz" we all cheer and clap for them Beth as the get up on stage
"Mr Weatherbee, fellow classmates, tonight, Toni and I are being named Riverdale High's first openly gay royal couple. However, no queenship is complete without their court. So, would my dear cousin, Betty Cooper, Jughead Jones, Aurora Andrews, Sweet Pea, Veronica Lodge, and Archie Andrews please join us  for the traditional promenade court dance?" another slow song starts playing. Pea and I join the others on stage and start slow dancing, until we are rudely interrupted but the lights and music being cut off. A tape plays on the large screen of people wearing masks that look like us. Thankfully Betty shuts it off, then Betty and Jughead exit prom. Leaving all of us confused.

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