Siblings and Fights

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Eathen pov.

After meeting Sam me and him went to first period together. Usually I would sit with Myah but today I sat with Sam another boy that I didn't know but looked like Sam just a bit and a girl.

"Jasper, Luna this is my new friend Eathen. Eathen this is my younger sister Luna and twin brother Jasper." Sam introduced us. The boy waved and smiled at me happily while the girl just looked at me shyly.

The boy Jasper had white and black hair and blue eyes. He was wearing black jeans and a sweater with headphones around his neck. He looked about to be 16 or 17 and about 6 foot. Much taller then me.

The girl Luna had white/gray hair and green eyes. She was wearing black ripped skinny jeans and a black MCR Tshirt. She looked around 16 and was around 5'7 so about as tall as me.

"Hi I'm Jasper" the boy said hyperly. I could tell right there we were gonna get along just fine. He stuck his hand out across the table and I shook it forcing myself to smile.

"Hey" the girl said. I could tell she was shy but I am to so I understand the feeling of new people.

"He-" before I could finish my sentence I was knocked out of my chair by none other than...Chase?! What the hell is his problem?

I looked up at him in disbelief while he just stared down at me angrily with his eyes that are usually so loving in kind were now mad and filled with so much rage. "What the hell Eathen? We just broke up this morning and you already have a new boyfriend?" He yelled at me. "Your such a manwhore!" He screamed at me. Once he said that I could feel the tears prick at the corner of my eyes. He pulled me up and pulled his fist back to punch me I closed my eyes waiting for the pain but it never came.

"Knock it off you idiot" Sam yelled at Chase while he pushed him off of me. Chase hit Sam in the jaw which just mad Sam madder then he was. Luna then got up pure hatred on her face. Jasper ran over to me and pulled me into a hug when I started to cry thinking about what Chase said.

"No one! And I mean no one hurts my brothers!" Luna yelled before kicking Chase in his manhood making him fall to the ground. He cried out in pain. She must have kicked him hard! Luna grabbed Chase by the hair and dragged him out of the room throwing him into the hallway before turning back to us and smiling.

"Y-you guys d-dint have to d-do that" I said between sobs. Jasper let go of me and looked at me like I was crazy.

"What do you mean? Of course we had to! Your are friend and we don't tolerate no idiots hurting are friends or family." Jasper said to me.

"Well thank you guys so much" I said. I hugged and Jasper again and then Sam and then Luna.

"No problem it's what friends do." Luna said smiling at me. I smiled back we all sat down when the teacher came in.

After my next few lessons I got to lunch I got my lunch and sat down in the corner by myself. Just staring at my food not eating like usual.

"Hey" a voice said scaring me and making me fall out of my seat and hit my head. "Oh shit. I'm so sorry" I looked up to see Sam hovering over me with his hand out. I took it and stood up looking to see Jasper and Luna sitting at the table trying not to laugh. I looked at Sam and he looked like he wanted to also.

I sighed "yeah go ahead laugh it off" I said sarcastically. They all busted out laughing. Saying things like "omg, are you ok, your so jumpy, pay more attention" I just rolled my eyes playfully sitting down besides Luna with Sam across from me and Jasper next to him.

" I was wondering if maybe you would like to come over tonight..and hang with us?" Sam said nervously I nodded my head yes and he instantly smiled at me. "Yay!" Jasper, Luna, and Sam yelled at the same time. I just smiled and looked down at my food picking at it with a fork.

I sighed and looked up at the three to see them looking at me worriedly. "Are you ok?" Luna asked. I nodded and put on my best fake smile I don't think it worked because they didn't look very convinced.

"I've gotta go" I said running out of the cafeteria and to the bathroom when I got there I went into a stall and looked the door. I pulled out my trusty razor. I rolled up my jacket sleeves and started to cut.

One...for being a meanwhore
Two....for being a crybaby
Three...for being to clingy
Four...for being weak and not sticking up for myself
Five...for letting Sam get punched trying to protect me
Six....for being me
Seven...for being gay
Eight...for everyone I've hurt
Nine...for being non love able
Ten...for being alive

The tenth cut I cut deep. I started to have blurry vision i staggered out of the stall and fell to the ground. The last thing I saw was Jasper come into the bathroom and run to me. The last thing I heard was him yelling:

"Stay awake Eathen. Don't worry it'll be ok." Then I blacked out....

*cliffhanger! Sorry don't hate me. I don't know if I got them right or not or how good I did but Luna is BrokenChikdren and Jasper is HailToTheBrokenKids and Sam is again SarcasticGayBoy I'm serious everyone go check them out and follow them. Also go and follow Myah at MyahJones and Skylar at skylarradke they are awesome as well. They are all very cool and go follow them or I will make you! Lol jk. Um..I have no ideas right now so I'm just winging it. If anyone has any ideas or suggestions please tell me cause I need help. But anyway comment what you think and like the chapter. Share it if you will please. I love you all my little demon turtles.*

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