In Labor (Chapter 1)

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Shoto POV

  I took a deep shaky but quiet breath as I waited for the last class to end, my water broke during lunch but I didn't feel any contractions. I didn't want to miss school so I continued the day but I could certainly feel the contractions now as I tried to focus on what the teacher was saying. I quickly packed my stuff as the last bell rang for the day, I made my way out of the classroom along with everyone else as we headed back to the dorms. "What do you think Todoroki," Midoriya asks, I glance at him confused as I realized he and the rest of the dekusquad were talking to me. "Hm," I hummed in confusion, they all chuckle I would also but I was in too much pain to react "We were planning on going to the mall, do you wanna go," Ururaka asks "Sorry, I'm busy," I respond. "Oh ok, maybe next time," Midoriya says, I quickly say my goodbyes as hurried to my dorm room, the elevator ride felt too long to my floor.

  I quickly locked the door behind me as I entered my dorm room, I grabbed my phone from my bag as I lay on my bed. I called Fuyumi and waited as it ranged 'Hey Sho,' she says happily 'Hey Bro,' I hear Natsuo also say "Are y'all two alone," I ask quietly into the phone. 'Yeah, it's just Natsuo and me at his house,' Fuyumi responds confused, I groan quietly in pain "It's time," I say 'What, it's time, are you sure,' Fuyumi yells I could a bunch of noises on the other end. "I'm sure," I say before whimpering in pain 'Did your water break,' Natsuo asks "It did, it broke during lunch," I say finally sitting up from the bed. 'Okay, I'll go get Touya and make sure we have everything, Fuyumi go get Sho from school,' Natsuo says panicking 'Okay okay, it's okay Sho, I'm on my way be ready,' she says, I hummed before hanging up.

  I made sure I had the baby bag ready and clothes for myself, I, of course, changed out of my uniform. I whimpered in pain before I took a breath and left my dorm room, I entered the elevator and leaned against the wall as I waited for the main floor. The door opened but I knew it wasn't the main floor just someone getting on, "What's up with you Icyhot," I hear the voice of the person I least wanted to see say. My eyes shoot open as I see ruby-red eyes stare at me from the other side of the elevator "None of your business," I mumble "Whatever I don't care," he says annoyed. I really wanted him to be by my side, to hold me and take care of me, I wanted him to be by my side during this time but he made his choice, he left, and now I was alone. I cursed to myself as I whimper quietly in pain "Seriously what's wrong with you," he asks annoyed "None of your business, Bakugou," I hissed quickly leaving when the doors opened.

  I quickly leave the dorms ignoring people calling my name, I make it outside and feel relieved as I see my sister's car, she quickly gets out and rushes to my side. She puts the stuff in the car before she helps me in the car, I cry in pain as I get in the car, and she grips my hand from the driver seat "It's okay, it's going to be okay, just think in a little bit you'll be holding your precious baby," she says smiling at me. I smile at the thought, of my own little baby in my arms, and with that, we drove quietly but fast to Natsuo's house. After I found out I was pregnant my siblings and I decided it would be best if it stayed between us, Natsuo was a doctor so we had a doctor, Fuyumi has been training to be a midwife, and Touya or Dabi has been a really supportive brother so he's just going to be there for support. Since we were keeping this on the down-low I haven't got to see the baby since the first ultrasound, which felt like forever ago, I get to hold my baby and see my baby for the first time.

  We pull up at Natsuo's house and Fuyumi quickly helps me get out while grabbing the stuff from the backseat. "Natsuo," Fuyumi calls out as we enter his house, we hear a bunch of footsteps as we enter further into the house, "How are you feeling Sho," he asks. "Pain, lots of pain," I say as I hold tightly onto Touya's hand, he hisses in pain at the grip "It's going to be okay Sho, you're doing great," Touya says. "Let's get him downstairs," Natsuo says and we walk carefully into the basement all my siblings by my side as they help me. They carefully help me get into the hospital bed, they had a hospital bed in one corner of the room, a regular bed on the other side, a counter as well as a sink in between, and a bassinet for the baby sitting next to the hospital bed. Natsuo does a few check-ups as I whimper in pain, the pain has only been increasing and it felt constant at this point "He's almost ready, I hope everyone is ready because this will be a mess," Natsuo says. Touya and Fuyumi both take a breath before nodding "We're here for you Sho, it's going to be okay," Touya says and I force a smile before nodding "Yeah," I mumble before crying out in pain.

  I felt like it had been hours but it hasn't been that long, I was in such agonizing pain, Touya held my right hand while dabbing a wet cloth against my head. Fuyumi was holding my left hand while assisting Natsuo and Natsuo was between my legs helping me give birth, I screamed in pain as I push. "Come on, you're so close Sho," Natsuo encourage, I panted and cried out in pain as I push for the last time, the cries of a baby filled my ears "It's a girl," Natsuo announced as he gives the crying baby to Fuyumi who lets go of my hand. I silently sobbed while smiling watching as they cleaned up the baby before wrapping them in a pink blanket, I wanted to reach out for the baby but the overwhelming pain of before came back. I cried out in pain, immediately grabbing onto Touya's hand again "Sho, what's wrong," Fuyumi asks panicked, I shake my head while crying out in pain. Natsuo quickly goes back between my legs and his eyes widen "It-it's twins," everyone's eyes widen as everyone gets back into position, this time Fuyumi held my daughter. I couldn't help but stare at my now calm daughter who shared a matching teal eye as me and a ruby red eye as Katsuki, I cried out in pain squeezing my eyes shut as I pushed for the last time. The cries of another child filled my ears "It's a boy," Natsuo announces "Sho you have twins," Fuyumi says excitedly, I smile and nod weakly. "Touya, I need your help," Natsuo says as Touya lets go of my hand, he returns with a baby wrapped in a blue blanket this time the baby had a red eye and a grey eye once again matching me as well as Katsuki.

  It has been about 2 hours later, and I was moved to the other bed and was now comfortably holding my two babies. Natsuo said they were preemie babies so they were a lot smaller than normal babies, that's why I didn't show much when I was pregnant but they were perfectly healthy babies. "Have you decided on names," Touya asks quietly as he and Fuyumi sat on a couch that was in the room, Natsuo was still filling out the birth certificates "I was thinking Akira for the boy and Ayato for the girl," I say softly smiling at the precious babies. One of the babies stared wide-eyed at me, and Akira slept peacefully in my arms as Ayato stared wide-eyed at me, I smiled softly at the babies. "What about the last name," Natsuo asks after some hesitation, I sigh "I don't know, I guess Todoroki since Bakugou doesn't even know, and even if he did if he even except them," I say honestly. "You could always change it later just for now we need something," he says and I nod "I'll go with Todoroki," I say before yawning softly, "How about you sleep," Fuyumi says I nod slowly. I move to where I was holding both babies in my arms without any of them getting hurt and watched as Ayato slowly fell asleep while Akira stayed asleep, I slowly joined them as my siblings quietly left.

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