Babysitting (Chapter 11)

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Shoto POV

  I woke up to the sound of my alarm, I sighed as I got up being careful of the babies, I had already texted Fuyumi about Aizawa and Mic and that they will be watching the twins. I got myself and the twins dressed before feeding them, I made sure I had everything ready before waiting for Aizawa to show up. It wasn't long later until there was a soft knock on the door, I gently lay the twins in the bassinet before going to the door and slightly opening it, I smile once I see it's Aizawa. "Thank you so much for this," I say as I let him in "No problem, they are in great hands," he says smiling softly and I smile before kissing my babies, with that, I leave. I grab a small but quick bite to eat from the kitchen where a few others are already there before leaving and heading to class.

  The day continued as normal, I went to my dorm during lunch to give Aizawa a break, it wasn't a surprise when I entered to hear crying. In any free time I had throughout the day I talked on the phone with Aizawa to calm the babies, it was now the end of the day and I just made it back to the dorms. I practically ignored everyone which I felt guilty for but I needed to spend time with my babies, not my classmates, especially during this time. I entered my dorm room and smiled to myself as I see Aizawa sound asleep in his sleeping bags with the sleeping twins curled up in his arms. I decided to not wake them since they were resting so I did my homework at my desk as I waited for them to wake up. Mic joined me a little bit later being worried about his husband, he found it adorable and ended up taking pictures of them, promising to send them to me later. A little bit later Aizawa woke up, he left with Mic after he gave me the babies and I thanked him repeatedly for doing this for me. The twins woke up not long after they left, I fed them and read to them as well as played with them for the rest of the afternoon. We soon got ready for bed, I fed them, changed them, and changed clothes for myself after, we got comfortable in bed while I played a quiet cartoon in the background while we slept.

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