Sick Babies (Chapter 12)

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Shoto POV

  I jerk awake as I am startled by crying, I calm down as I see it is Akira, which is odd because usually, he's the quieter one of the two. I carefully get out of bed and make a border around Ayato so she won't fall before picking up Akira. My concern only grows as I realize he has a fever, I gently hush him "It's okay, I know, are you not feeling well," I ask worriedly he responds by sniffling and whimpering. I checked the time as I cradled Akira seeing it was around 1 in the morning, I sighed knowing this was going to be a long night. As if to prove my point Ayato began crying while whimpering, I expanded the border on the bed placing Akira next to Ayato while trying to comfort both of them.

  It was around 4:00 a.m. and the babies hadn't stopped crying since they woke up, I was exhausted, and I was on the verge of tears myself. I didn't want to bother anyone but I couldn't handle the sick babies at the moment and I didn't want anyone to wake up so I reluctantly called Aizawa. He surprisingly picked up quickly 'Todoroki, is something wrong,' he asked worriedly "S-sorry to bother you Aizawa but the twins are sick and I can't get them to stop crying, can you help me bring them to Recovery Girl or bring her here," I ask. 'Yeah, I'll bring her to you since I don't think we'll be able to sneak them out quietly,' he says "Thank you so much, see you in a minute," I say before hanging up. I sighed before laying down next to the babies while whispering comforting words to them.

  It was a bit later when there was a knock on the door, the sound quieted the babies a little bit but they still sniffled and whimpered. "Todoroki it's us," I hear Aizawa say from the other side of the door, I get up after making sure the babies are secured before opening the door. "Oh you poor dear you look so tired," Recovery Girl says as she and Aizawa enter, I nod as I yawn. "They woke up around 1 both with a fever, I tried to calm them down but they just keep crying," I explained. "It's okay dearie, we got it from here," she says as picks up both twins placing them in the bassinet while I sit down on the bed next to Aizawa, I wanted to sleep but I was too worried. "I have some medicine I will give them, I'll come back tomorrow to give them more but for now I suggest momma should stay home from school and be with his babies," she says and I nod tiredly as she gives them medicine. "We'll excuse you from classes so just get some rest with those babies y'all need it," Aizawa says as he helps me into bed giving the now-sleeping babies to me, I thank them before falling asleep as they leave.

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