Shopping (Chapter 5)

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Shoto POV

  I woke up earlier than usual so I could get a shower and take care of my wounds, I grabbed my uniform and clothes for the babies before making my way to the bathroom with the twins. It was a bit of a struggle to give the twins a bath while trying to give myself a bath but I, eventually, got it. I dried myself and the babies before dressing them, I dress myself before making my way to the basement where I fed them. I got myself some food a little bit later before leaving with Fuyumi with the babies, I was still in a lot of pain and I couldn't hide the obvious bruise on my face but hopefully, I wouldn't get questioned. We arrived at school and I gave the babies a bunch of kisses before heading to class, I was about to reach my class when I was shoved harshly to the floor. "Oops, sorry scar freak," the student mocked before walking off laughing, I sighed softly before pushing myself off the floor and entering my classroom, I silently walk to my desk where I went unnoticed.

  The day continued on as normal but I did get bullied a little bit but I just ignored them, I was a parent now, and I didn't have time to waste my time on the childish actions of others. I once again spent my lunch talking to the babies, which I didn't mind, I knew Touya was very grateful for it and I needed a distraction. I was currently heading to my dorm room to grab my wallet, I felt bad about eating so much of Natsuo's food so I decided to go shopping but I left my wallet in my dorm room. I arrived at my dorm room and grabbed my wallet, I glanced around to see if I needed anything else before heading to the exit of the dorms. I was once again stopped by my classmates "Icyhot, what happened to your face," Bakugou yells from the kitchen, I looked at him confused before remembering the bruise. I quickly put my hand over it "It's nothing," I mumble "Wait, Todoroki let me see," Midoriya says running up to me, he tries to remove my hand "Oi, Deku don't get so close," Bakugou yells. "Ack, I'm sorry Todoroki," Midroya says yelping taking a step back, "It's fine," I say before removing my hand, luckily it was just us three so we weren't causing a scene. "Ouch Todoroki, that looks bad," Midoriya says worriedly "Oi move let me see," Bakugou yells pushing Midoriya to the side, he grabs my face and looks at the bruise. Our eyes meet and we stare at each other for a moment before we both quickly look away "Tch, it's not anything that won't heal," Bakugou grumbles, I blush softly at our moment "What happened," Midoriya asks concerned "Just training, it's nothing, really," I say. Both of their heads snapped towards me "Training," they both repeat "With who," Bakugou asks angrily "The old man, look it doesn't matter, I need to go," I say before quickly walking off.

  Fuyumi had to stay after work, Natsuo was still at work, and Touya couldn't drive so I had to walk home. Touya had to go do something for the lov so he was waiting for me to come back so I could take the babies, I still needed to go shopping so I guess I was shopping with them. I arrived at the house, I sighed as I enter hearing my crying babies and Touya begging them to not cry, "Touya, I'm back," I announce. He quickly rushes to me with the babies "Thank you so much Sho, now I take my leave," he says before quickly leaving "Bye, thank you for watching them," I call out to him. I look at my babies in my arms as they cling to me with teary eyes, I smile at them "How about we do some shopping," I say with a soft smile, they look up at me with big eyes. I changed the babies clothes before changing into casual clothes, I put on a mask, sunglasses, and a hat to hide my looks before putting on the baby carries that were meant for twins. There was a spot on the back for one baby and another on the front for the other baby, it was a struggle and took a while but I, eventually, got both babies in the carrier, I made sure I had the diaper bag and my wallet before making my way to the store.

  I was so tired by the time I arrived at the store, carrying the twins and the diaper bag after getting a beating while walking the whole way was surely tiring. I couldn't use the baby stroller, it had broke and we couldn't find time to buy another one without getting odd looks. I entered the store and grabbed a buggy, I wasn't planning on buying much but I wanted some rest before carrying it all back. I checked on the babies seeing them look around with wide eyes, I chuckled softly before I continued to shop, I was looking at an item but I dropped it, it rolled a few feet before it was stopped by hitting someone's foot. They kneeled down and picked it up before handing it to me "I'm sorry, did you drop this," Mina asked being the person who picked it up, I was surprised but I nodded, I hoped she didn't recognize me. I gently took it from her "Thank you," I mumble, she smiles brightly "No problem, your baby is so cute, are they yours," she asks. I nod "I have twins," I say turning slightly so she could see Ayato who was looking around excitedly "Awwe, they are so precious," she squeals, "Mina, what are you-awwe look at the babies," Kirishima says squealing as well. "Kiribro, Mina, calm down your drawing attention," Sero complains as he walks over to us "But Sero, look at the babies," Mina whines "Oi, be quiet," Bakugou yells as he drags Kaminari with him. "Bakubro, look at the babies," Kirishima says "Tch, yes I see them now leave them alone," Bakugou says starting to walk away but Ayato cries, "Awwe Bakubro, she's crying for you," Kaminari says while standing up from the ground. Bakugou stops "No she's not, let's go," he says before starting to walk away again earning another loud cry from her "See," Mina exclaims, and he sighs before walking back over to us. She reaches for him and he hesitantly lets her grab his finger, I gasp quietly as I realize "She knows," I whisper. "Did you say something," Kirishima asks smiling brightly and I quickly shake my head "I'm sorry but we have to go," I say, they bid their goodbyes but Ayato refused to let go of Bakugou's finger. "I'm sorry about her, can you help me get her out," I ask Bakugou, he sighs softly before nodding, he carefully gets her out and she immediately clings to his chest, I smile before taking her from him. She immediately begins to cry "Sh sh, it's okay Ayato," I say calmly as I held her to my chest next to Akira, she immediately clings to me, "You got cute kids," Bakugou says smiling softly. I blush and smile "Thank you," I say, they're your children too, "Thank you so much for the help," I say and he nods "No problem," he says before leaving to catch up with his friends.

  I continued shopping this time holding a silently crying Ayato, Akira had tears in his eyes but I think that was mostly because Ayato was crying. It broke my heart that Ayato knew who her father was and he didn't know who she was, I sighed sadly as I cradled her in my arms. She, eventually, fell asleep along with Akira, I finished my shopping and paid for my few grocery items before going to the front. I kneeled down being careful of the twins laying my bags down, I needed to put Ayato in the carrier or else my arms wouldn't hold up but I couldn't get her in it from the position I was in. "Here, let me help," I hear a familiar voice say, I look up and see Bakugou, I smile and nod before getting up and letting him take the sleeping Ayato, he carefully places her in the carrier. "Thank you so much," I say as I pick up my bags again after checking on her "No problem, how old are they," he asks after some hesitation "Oh a week and a half," I say smiling even though he couldn't see it. "They are pretty young, are you sure you're in any shape to be carrying them like this," he asks "Not really but being a single parent I don't think I have much of a choice," I say with a sad chuckle. "Oh I'm sorry about that," he says bowing slightly "Oh it's fine but you know, it's all worth it if I get to be with them and watch them grow up to be amazing people," I said smiling brightly. "Yeah I guess, I can see it, you're a good parent, have a good day," he says before walking away, I smile softly letting a small blush form, that's the Katsuki I fell in love with. "Bye Katsuki," I whisper sadly before checking to make sure I had everything and with that, I began my long walk back home.

  I arrived home, and I set the bags in the kitchen before getting the twins out, which took a bit but I got it, eventually. The twins were asleep so I let them sleep in their bassinet while I put up the groceries, I decided to cook dinner for everyone. Akira woke up before Ayato and was crying so I spent most of my time holding Akira while cooking, they had a long day, and they met their father as well even though he didn't know who they were. I smiled softly to myself, Bakugou was good with kids and willing to help people with kids, he would be a good father but would he even want kids with me? I set the table with dinner before feeding the babies, not long later my siblings came home and were very thankful for the dinner. After we ate dinner we went to bed, I decided to not tell my siblings about the Bakugou situation, I didn't want to worry them, I change the twins' clothes before changing mine before we settled in bed falling asleep.

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