Living The Future (Chapter 6)

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Shoto POV

  I woke up the next morning and continued my normal morning routine, I got dressed and then dressed the twins before feeding them. Once I fed the twins, I went and got myself some food from the kitchen, I sipped on my drink as I watch a cartoon that was playing while cradling the twins in my arms. Fuyumi had to leave for work earlier this morning so I was just waiting on Natsuo to get up, luckily he didn't have work today so he would be watching the babies today. It wasn't long later when he got up, once he got dressed I grab my stuff while carrying the twins, I put the babies in the car, and with that, we left for school. We arrived at school not long later and I got out before giving my babies a bunch of kisses, I made sure Natsuo knew that he could call me any time before leaving.

  I got a few comments thrown at me but I ignored them as I walked to class, I was about to reach my class when I was shoved into the wall. Arms were quickly placed on either side of me "Hey pretty thing, why don't you come by my dorm later and we can get to know each other very well," the student said and I almost gagged. "No thank you," I say trying to push past him, he stops me and laughs "I wasn't asking," he says frowning "And I wasn't giving you an option," I say before kneeing him. He falls to the floor and groans, I rolled my eyes "Disgusting pigs," I grumble before entering my classroom, I went to my desk and waited for the day to end. Some of us were talking when Aizawa came in and shushed everyone "Alright everyone, today you are writing a 4 paragraph essay about what you want your future to be like," he explains. Almost everyone groans "But Sensei we already did this and it's pretty obvious, that's why were are here," Sero complains. "Not quite, you are here about what you want to do in the future but we are discussing how you want your future like outside of hero work, for example, do y'all want to leave the country, do y'all want to leave town, do y'all want families, do y'all want to settle down, or do y'all want a side job aside from hero work," Aizawa Sensei explains. Everyone nods before getting started, I thought about what I wanted to put down, I mean I was sort of already living the future, it is about 10 minutes until the end of the class and everyone was finished "Okay now that everyone is finished, I want some of y'all to give a brief and quick explanation of what y'all want," he says making people groan. "Mina you go first," he says and she nods before standing "I want to stay in the country, perhaps move town, I want to find a nice man or woman to settle down with, I never thought about kids but after seeing these cute twins yesterday I decided I want kids in the future," she says smiling proudly. He nods "Good, Bakugou please present yours," he says and Bakugou groans before standing up "I want to stay here in the country and stay in this town to help around here, I want to find someone to settle down with, and I might want kids, it depends on my partner," he says before sitting down. "Good, Todoroki please present yours," he says and I nod before standing "I want to stay in the country but maybe leave town but not too far to stay close to family, I want a family of my own and I want to settle down with someone," I say before sitting. He nods "Good, now Ojiro," he says and it continues on until the bell rang for the next class.

  The day comes to an end, I did end up talking to the twins during my lunch break again, I guessed this was going to be a normal thing. I had to walk home again today, I sighed softly as I left the school gates, I didn't need anything from my dorm so I didn't have to stop by there today. I arrived home and was met with the sound of crying, as always, I entered and saw a tired-looking Natsuo sitting with the babies, I smile softly. "I'm home," I say softly and his head snaps towards me "Please take them," he whined, I chuckle before taking them which makes them stop crying. "Why don't you go take a nap," I suggest and he nods before getting up, he leaves and goes to his room, I sit on the couch and smile at the babies "Y'all love to stress out your aunt and uncles," I say and they just stare up at me. I get up and made my way to the basement, I hold them as I look through some of the baby stuff, I found a cute book before returning upstairs. I sit on the couch and cradle both babies in my arms as I began to read the book out loud, I smile as I read the book out loud to the twins making silly voices for the characters. My smile would grow when they laughed at my silly voices and my dramatic actions, I read the rest of the short book and end the story with a "The end," I say as I close the book, the babies yawned before slowly falling asleep. 

  I smile to myself "You're truly a good parent," I hear a voice say behind me, I glance behind me and see all my siblings standing there, I blush in embarrassment. "How long have y'all been there," I ask as they sit on the other couch "Long enough to know you truly care for your kids, and your nothing like our parents," Natsuo says smiling softly. "We had really shitty parents but here you are, you balance a school life, a hero life, and a family life while still being great at all of it," Touya says shocked "I handle it now but I'm only a week and a half in, I'm afraid I'm going to break," I say honestly. "You're probably going through the roughest part of it right now and you're holding up fine, while also dealing with heartbreak and an abusive father, you're going to be perfectly fine," Fuyumi says "Before you know it you're going to be graduated before the twins are in their terrible twos so you don't have to worry about that," Natsuo says laughing slightly and I nod. I chuckle softly "You're going to be great, Sho, you have us," Fuyumi says smiling and I nod, "Yeah, I think I'm going to go to bed," I say getting up and they nod. Once I make it to the basement I change my clothes and then the twins' clothes without waking them, I crawl into the bed and hold the babies close to me before falling asleep.

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